No friend

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The next day my parents are packed and ready to go on their anniversary get away. They take one every year, driving mindlessly to the next adventure. Doing whatever two uptight people do.

I watch Dad work the suitcases into the trunk.

"You'll make sure the house doesn't burn to the ground while we're gone won't you kiddo?"

"Of course, have a good time," I say.

My mother waves, she's in her glory.

I shut the door and fluff my hair in the mirror. It's not often I worry about my appearance. But now that Ace is around I care.

"What's with the primping?" Gray asks, raising one eyebrow.

"I'm a girl, can't I care about what I look like?" I pull a few strands of my hair free studying myself in the mirror and sigh releasing my wavy curl.

"Are you expecting someone?"

"What's it to you?" I ask. Sometimes he acts as if I am ten and he's being paid to babysit me.

"I don't know." I shut the fridge, no longer in the mood to eat anything.

Gray leans over the counter like a gnat.

"If you want her to come over I don't care. I'm not going to tell," I say. That's enough to make him leave me alone.

I have plans of my own, no time to worry about Gray. I'm going to see Ace after he gets off work. He says he has some things to finish and then he will stop by.

I turn on the tv, and settle on an old black and white movie that has to do with a love triangle. Even before I was born there was drama—go figure.

I hate waiting. So I try everything I can to pass the time. I even give in and try reading my mom's self-help magazines. Nothing does the job, and I fall asleep.


Someone is nudging me and I am not in the mood. I swat and roll over. But that doesn't stop it.

I curl up in a ball, groaning.

"Eve," Ace says, from above. I sit up.

I try to fix my hair. He takes a seat in my dad's recliner.

"Did you get that bored?" he asks.

"I was tired of waiting." I stifle a yawn.

He settles in beside me on the couch. Dropping his feet on our coffee table, I lean into him resting my head on his chest. He touches my hair and sighs.


"Nothing. I'm just glad I got to see you today," he says. He turns my stomach into knots every time he says something so sweet.

We fall asleep on my parent's couch, until Gray comes into the room. He isn't happy. I don't see the big deal, but it's clear he has some kind of issue.

I nudge Ace, he wakes up and removes his arm from around me.

"What is he doing here?" Gray asks, flexing his jaw.

"He stopped by. Just like your girlfriend did," I say, averting my eyes to the television. I don't want to argue.

"You're such a hypocrite. You ratted me out to Mom and Dad, but you're doing the same thing." Gray shakes his head.

"When are you going to understand that I don't care what you think?" I sit up, close to leaping off the couch and clobbering him.

"Because you don't care what anyone thinks. Even if that means ruining our name," Gray snaps.

Ace stops me from attacking Gray. I try to break free to smack the smug look off his face but fail. And Gray loves every second of it.

"Let me go," I say.

"Why? So you can punch him?" Ace asks, not backing down. "What is she doing wrong? And believe me, you won't offend me." He moves forward one hand on me.

"She's too young to get involved with a guy like you. I see why you would think it would be easy to get in her pants. She's not the brightest. But she's still my sister and my parents want me to look out for her."

Ace grabs Gray by the shirt, he pushes him against the wall sending our family pictures crashing to the floor.

Devan jumps out of the way before the two of them take her down with them.

A small part of me hopes Ace puts Gray in his place.

"I'm only going to say this one time to you." Ace presses Gray's head into the wall. "You don't want to mess with me. I'm not some dirt bag trying to scam your sister. And if I ever hear you talk about her like you just did again I am going to break your jaw."

"Who do you think you are?" Gray says, pulling at the hand gripping his shirt. It doesn't budge. Ace releases his hold, but grabs Gray's throat instead. Gray pants. Devan screams.

"The guy you don't want to mess with. Do you understand me?"

"Get your hands off of me," Gray says, refusing to give in.

Ace let go and steps back.

Gray is upset, I can see it. He is also stubborn.

"Come on you guys, let it go," I say trying to end the hostility.

"He doesn't need to talk to you like that," Ace says.

"It doesn't matter. I don't even care. Thank you for sticking up for me, but let it go."

They are like two wild dogs ready to pounce.

"Yeah, listen to my sister. For once she's making sense," Gray says.

He's an idiot. I'm trying to keep the peace and he is running his mouth.

Devan grabs Gray. "Come on, babe. He's not worth it. Let's go."

"I'm not leaving my house because of some thug," Gray says. "I'm not afraid of him. And if he ever does anything to hurt my sister I'm going to kick his ass." Gray steps forward, trying to prove he has the balls to stand up to Ace.

"Respect your sister and we won't have any problems," Ace says.

"When she acts like she deserves some, then I will. Don't tell me what I need to do. I've known her longer than you have."

"Have it your way. Watch what you say when your around me. Or I'll teach you the meaning of respect."

Two stubborn men are never going to come to any kind of agreement. But I know one thing; I know Ace hit a nerve. 

Wingless, book 1 of Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now