Vulpix: Well Maybe he's just scared to meet your family or something. He's afraid they might not like him.

Chikorita: Maybe, but- (Suddenly Sandshrew shoves his way past and goes into the bathroom) Huh? Are those... teardrops? On his computer?

Vulpix: What the... (Looks at the screen) Oh no!

(Elsewhere on the plane)

Pachirisu: That's it! I'm going to ask the pilot how long till we leave! This is getting ridiculous!

Togedemaru: Okay. Hurry back! (To himself) Just I enjoy your company is all...

Pichu: (pops up behind him) So when are you gonna tell her?

Togedemaru: AH! (Jumps) Please stop startling me like that! You Pichu's are sneaky.

Pichuette: Well duh! We are small but fast and forces to be reckoned with!

Pichu: Anyway, I don't really enjoy romance... but you seriously need to tell Pachirisu! Maybe then you'll stop being such a grumpy guy.

Togedemaru: I am not grumpy or moody!

Pichuette: Just do it! Hawaii is a pretty romantic place!

(Elsewhere on plane)

Shinx: And then the Pichu Twins did this dope anime thing and found the way out!

Meowstic: Seriously? Man I don't remember much from yesterday. Thanks for keeping me in the game Shinx. You really do want this.

Shinx: Oh do I! I wanna win so bad!

Meowstic: The only thing better than seeing you amped up like this would be winning a challenge.

(Team Confessional)
Meowstic: As Gamers we are definitely underdogs! (Shinx nods in agreement) If we can show the front runners like the Athletes and Lifelong Friends we can win, we'll totally be respected!

Leafeon: (enters the plane) Holy crap! I can't believe we almost missed the plane.

Glaceon: Next time, no more wallowing in your tears.

Leafeon: Done deal.

(Back by Vulpix and Chikorita)

Vulpix: (reading the message) As you know, my popularity is everything to me. My friends found out we were dating and laughed and they are right. I can't date a guy who does fashion and stuff. It's so unmanly and uncool. Honestly, even if my friends hadn't found out, I would have broken up with you anyway. Truth be told I kept waiting for you to get a hint, but I guess you've been oblivious of late. We are through. Signed Kirlia.

Chikorita: (angry) Oh no she didn't! Where does she live? Oh I'll get her! (Vulpix elbows her) Ow. Okay, I'm back.

Vulpix: I just can't believe this.

(In confessional)
Vulpix: Poor Sandshrew! My best friend in the whole wide world! This didn't deserve to happen to him. (Sighs and frowns) Ugh, I always knew that Kirlia was a phony!

Chespin: Chikorita? What are you doing? Are you coming back? I got the movie plugged in!

Chikorita: Oh, um, coming!

Chespin: And I got the pretzels and nuts too!


Rhydon: Finally, the plane takes off and thanks to the power of editing the plane is now about to land!

(Back on the plane)

Pichu: Ugh! Land already! I'm getting tired of being cooped up in this space!

Squirtle: Same!

The Rhydonculous Race (Part Of The Total Drama Pokémon Series)Where stories live. Discover now