1K Bonus for WFM

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Danteous was furious. Cole could tell when he got home. Viviana didn't have music playing as she cooked dinner. Instead he heard nothing but silence. The diaper bags weren't in the foyer meaning mom and dad or one of his brothers probably came and picked up the triplets. He was in trouble.

He found Danteous in his office at his desk doing some work while Viviana was laying on his couch reading a book. When she saw him she closed the book, but he couldn't read the emotions in her eyes. "Who's Jeremy?" Danteous asked, his voice cold as he didn't look up from his paperwork. Oh no, Cole thought.

"He's one of my classmates." Cole answered honestly. The truth will set you free, Cole thought. Then again, not this time. Danteous picked up Cole's phone, "You left this on your way to your classes this morning. Explain to us why our Baby Girl came crying to me when she saw several dick picks from this guy being sent to you?" Cole wanted so badly to hug her and tell her he didn't do anything but he didn't dare get up from kneeling.

"I had given him my number when we had studied at the campus library a couple months ago. He didn't understand me telling him I'm happily married means leave me alone. During the study session he tried to have sex with me but I pushed him off. It was why I had come home angered that night, lying about stress for my exams." Cole confessed. "I had blocked his number after he sent the first picture but he found a way around it. I've been trying to handle it on my own but my attempts have all failed."

The tension in the room increased. "So not only did you leave your only way of contacting us if something happened at home, you lied to us, and you've been hiding this for months. You should've come to me with this from the start." Danteous snapped. "Go to the playroom and strip." He then turned his attention to Viviana, but Cole couldn't bring himself to meet her eyes, he was too ashamed. So he went to the playroom and did as he was told.

"Baby Girl would you like to watch?" Danteous asked her politely. She nodded, "Yes sir." When they went in Cole was naked and waiting in the kneeing position with his head down. "Over the bench." Danteous ordered Pet as he stood patiently waiting. "I want you to face the bed Pet." Danteous debated on what he wanted to spank him with and he decided on the paddle instead of his cane. "I'm going to give you five spankings for leaving your phone at home, five for lying to us, five for hiding this for months, five for not coming to me, and five for making our Baby Girl cry. I want you to count and give the reason for the spanking. Baby Girl you can watch on the bed."

When she sat on the bed she kept her legs closed, a strong indication that she was wet. He wanted to reach out to her and apologize but he knew he had to take his punishment first. The first one came hard, making his eyes fill with tears. "One for leaving my phone at home..."

After his spanking Danteous refrained from slamming into his tight little hole. He rubbed lotion on his glowing cheeks. "I'm sorry Master." Cole whispered as he wiped his tears away. "It's okay Pet." Danteous told him softly. Their eyes went to Viviana who's eyes still held slight hurt. "Go apologize to her Pet."

Cole got up, ignoring the sting he felt. He captured her lips in a heated kiss. "I'm so sorry Baby Girl." He whispered against her lips. "He is sexually harassing you. You should've at least gone to WPD and filed a report." Cole nodded, "I'll do it first thing in the morning." He promised her. She nodded, "Okay." He then felt Danteous wrap an arm around his waist and begin to kiss his neck. "It seems my babies have issues I need to take care of." His hand lightly ran over Cole's hardened cock. Cole moaned arched into his touch.

He then took his hand away. Danteous then sat on the bed pulling Cole into his lap making his back rest against his chest. "Put on a show as you take your clothes off for us Baby Girl." Danteous ordered. She got up happily and began to tease them as she slowly removed each garment.

Danteous began to kiss and nibble on Cole's neck as they watched her. Her beautiful skin was covered in beautiful stretch marks from when she carried the triplets. Her breasts were much larger after having them, but they no longer carried milk. Cole was a moaning, needy, mess by the time she was fully undressed. "Can I taste her Master?" Cole asked with a slight whine. "Since you asked so nicely Pet." Danteous said nipping his ear. "Baby Girl let Pet taste your sweet juices."

She crawled into the bed and as soon as she laid down Cole moved to settle between her legs so he could enjoy her. Cole worked her with his tongue and fingers until she was on the brink of going over the edge. Danteous watched as he undressed. He would never tire of sights like these. "Stop Pet." He said, unable to resist anymore. Danteous then got on the bed, leaning up against the head board. "Prep him for me Baby Girl." Danteous told her. She did so with glee. It was obvious she enjoyed getting to play with her Master's hole since it was so rare she gets to do so since it was mostly her holes that get played with.

When she was ready Danteous had Cole straddle his lap with his back to his chest, slamming his cock into his Pet's tight hole. Cole hadn't heard what Danteous said but suddenly his cock was being sheathed into the warmth of their beautiful wife. Cole's head laid back as he enjoyed the pleasure they gave him. "Cum for us Pet." Danteous whispered in his ear. When he did, he filled her till she was leaking. She didn't stop though, making sure to milk him entirely until Danteous told her to cum before pulling her in for a kiss. Cole watched the two loves of his life and hated how he had hurt them by not going to them from the start. He won't ever make that mistake again.

When Cole and Viviana laid down Danteous got some warm cloths to clean them up with. Cole pulled Viviana to him, needing her close. He didn't feel complete until Danteous joined them, spooning him from behind. Danteous covered them with the blanket before tucking his face in the crook of Cole's neck.

"We love you." Danteous told him. "I love you both too." Cole said honestly. Danteous lifted his head and Cole turned his head to look at him. Danteous kissed him softly, their tongues moving slowly, as if they had all the time in the world. When Danteous pulled away he smiled softly, "As much as I would love to take you again Pet, you are definitely going to be sore in the morning and our Baby Girl needs this chance to rest since the kids are with our parents." They both looked down at her and she was sleeping peacefully in Cole's arms.

The triplets were a handful but she manages them with ease. Even if Danteous and Cole were to team up with out her home, they end up exhausted, but they were entirely worth it.


As promised here is a 1K bonus for Well Fuck Me. I didn't add it to Well Fuck Me due to the fact that it would give major spoilers. If you can't tell this bonus is before Sabrina's birth so Cole is still in school. I thought it would be interesting if Cole was the center of attention for this bonus. Until the next 1K.

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