Chapter 13

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Viviana walked into the room where Bridget sat at a metal table, handcuffed. It had been over a year since she had last seen the woman. She would've visited sooner but she has been helping Danteous and recovering from the birth of her triplets so she has hadn't had the chance to make good on the promise she made.

She sat down and dropped a file in front of her, "As promised." Bridget opened the file and saw photos of her daughter. Her daughter was now six and becoming quite the violinist. "She also knows two languages thanks to her adoptive mom being a translator." Viviana told her. She then pulled out a letter from the parents, telling her about the little girl. "She knows about me?" Her voice broke. Viviana nodded, "She doesn't know what you've done or that you're in jail. She thinks you are constantly traveling which is why you can't take care of her." Bridget cried tears of relief. Having her daughter taken away from her had made her regret what she had done to those men.

"How is Maxis?" Viviana asked her. Part of their deal was that when they go to jail they're allowed to write to each other. Of course their letters have to be read by an officer first to ensure there isn't any plans of escaping. "He's doing good. His arm is healed and he's starting to work out again." She said wiping her eyes. "After the hell we've caused you and your family, why have you made good on your promises? Why not just say you will then have us locked up and forget about them?"

Viviana gave her a small smile, "Because when I give my word, I keep it." Her eyes went to the photos, "Besides knowing your child is taken care is never to much to ask for." If their places were switched she would want the same thing. "The parents will be keeping you updated on how she is doing, but they'll let you decide when she is old enough to know about what you've done."

She nodded, "Thank you." Viviana nodded, and stood up, "Good luck Bridget." She left the room to go home to her boys. When she came in, Danteous was in the living room with Micha and Sabel while Cole was feeding Eliot. Danteous had his cane right by his chair but Cole and Viviana tried to keep him off his feet as much as possible.

"How'd it go?" Cole asked her. "It went better than I thought. She actually thanked me and cried." She answered as she sat next to them. She felt like the luckiest woman in the world. Once they had gotten back they renovated their house to move the master bedroom downstairs with a room connected to it that they use as the nursery. They then split the master upstairs into two bedrooms. They planned on having more kids so they made sure upstairs had plenty of room.

Danteous' recovery has been a long painful one. Stairs are still something he can't handle and when he is too tired they have to beg him to use the wheel chair. He was strong willed and stubborn, but he pushes himself to far sometimes. Cole and Viviana worried about him but he gets pissed if they ask him if he's okay. His answer is always the same, "Ask me when I can walk without hurting." He then regrets his answer but he doesn't apologize.

"When do you go back to work?" She asked him. "Next week." He answered. "Half days, but it'll be something. Thanks to dad and Victor I don't have to much paperwork to do." Danteous told her. She smiled, despite she didn't agree. She felt he needed more time to heal but again he's stubborn. At least they'll only be half days, but what does he question as a half day?

She then looked at Cole, "When does your first class start?" After they had gotten back Cole made the decision to go back to school to finish his degree and start a practice on to start giving Art Therapy. The two loves of his life were both going to therapy, and he wanted to be able to help them and others. Although they learned real quick painting each other was much more fun than painting the canvases.

"The first." He answered with a smile. He then burped Eliot before handing him to Viviana. It still felt like a dream. A dream they hoped they never woke up from.

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