Chapter 3

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Vivian's leg bounced in the chair she was in. It took two weeks for them to be healed enough to move on their own. In that time, she was being followed by body guards which was very annoying. Especially since she didn't get much sleep the last two nights since she was puking her guts up thanks to the morning sickness finally kicking in. Why call it morning sickness if it happens at any time?

Danteous' hand went to her knee, stopping it's bouncing, "What's wrong Baby Girl?" "I'm just so tired. I was up with morning sickness last night." She told him, leaning her head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head, "You should try to rest." She gave him a soft laugh, "When my stomach stops trying to spill out on to the floor then I will." Cole sat back down after getting back from the bathroom. He handed her some crackers, "This should help with the nausea." "Thank you." She ate them slowly hoping it worked.

When the plane landed they were shocked to see they were at Victor and Parker's Caribbean vacation house. They went inside and saw a note from Victor.

I was going to let you three come here for your honeymoon but this is a difficult time. You've been to hell and back so now you three enjoy this chance. I've made sure everything you need will be provided. Have fun. Love Victor and Parker.

The bedroom they'll be staying in had a whole wall of windows that looked out to the ocean, and closets full of clothes since they didn't know how long they'd be here. Cole gave Viviana a kiss, "You should get some rest." She had dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep. "We'll be in the livingroom." Danteous said giving her a kiss. She changed and laid down while they went to the living room.

"How do you feel?" Danteous asked Cole. "Hurt like a bitch. How the hell did she do it?" He asked while sitting down on the couch. His side was killing him where the bullet had gone through and through. Danteous sat down, "I know what you mean, my left shoulder is killing me." A couple inches to the left and it would've hit his heart. Danteous looked out the window, "This was exactly what we needed." Cole nodded in agreement.

"Think we'll be good fathers?" Cole asked him. Neither of them knew how to be a father. Cole was raised by his brothers and Danteous learned what not to do by watching what his family did. It was a question they had both been asking themselves. Danteous nodded with a small smile, "We've faced down a terrorist, went on a rescue mission in the Amazon, and survived being shot, I think we can survive being parents." Cole chuckled softly, "You've got a point." Then another thought crossed his mind.

"How do we balance Parenthood and our lifestyle?" He asked him. "We keep it from them until they're old enough to understand what it means." Danteous explained simply. Cole nodded as a smile graced his lips. "We're in for some major trouble if they're anything like Viviana." Her parents had shared many stories of her getting into fights at school, all for the right reasons of course. She was never one to be a by stander when someone was being bullied. Danteous nodded in agreement as he smiled.

Danteous stood from the chair and went over to Cole. He used his good arm to support him as he rested it on the back of the sofa and gave Cole a kiss. It was soft at first but then it became hungry. When Danteous pulled away they were breathless. "If I could take you over the arm of his couch Pet, I would, but neither of us are in the best condition for sex right now." Cole groaned in frustration but one look from Danteous had him shutting up. "Plus we don't know how to be quiet and we don't need to wake her up." Danteous said. Cole smirked, "With a baby on the way we'll have to learn how to be quiet. Practice makes perfect."

Danteous nipped his ear lobe, "Don't think your injury will get you out of being punished." Cole's jaw dropped, "But Viviana didn't get punished when she was injured!" Danteous smiled, "She was shot in the leg, making it hard for her to sit in a corner or bend over for a spanking." Cole mumbled something but Danteous knew he was being playful. He kissed him on his head before he went over to the kitchen to start making them something to eat.

Viviana was puking into the toilet when someone pulled her hair back. Cole held her hair back until she was done then handed her a wet cloth to wipe her mouth. He then handed her some water to rinse out her mouth with. "Thank you." She said with a small smile. He kissed her head, "You don't have to thank me Baby Girl."

He lead her out of the bathroom to where Danteous was setting the table.  Danteous gave her a smile, "Just in time." Her stomach growled at the smell of the delicious food. She sat down eagerly, ready to eat, despite the fact that she would most likely throw it up later. Moments like these, she cherished the most. It was only about nine months ago when she got back to her little lonely apartment from work wanting to forget the horrific scene she had seen that day. Two gorgeous men came into her life and now look at them. They were planning their wedding and were expecting a baby. Suddenly she thought of her beautiful dress. "Depending when we have our wedding, I'm not going to fit my dress." She couldn't help laugh softly. "We can wait till after you have the baby." Cole suggested. "Or we could have it in the next week or two." Danteous countered. "I know it's not the wedding of your dreams Baby Girl but-" "It's perfect." She told them.

They all shared a smile and Danteous nodded, "I'll make the arrangements." They were going to do it. They were really going to get married, and they couldn't wait.

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