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Many years later.....

Danteous entered the house, his cane silent on the marble floor. "Damn it Eliot, you used all the hot water!" Sabrina his fourth oldest yelled. After the triplets they had Sabrina shortly after. Then three years later they had the twins Chloe and Keith. They were all amazing in their own special ways. "No I didn't!" Eliot snapped back. And that was why the kids lived upstairs while the parents had downstairs.

"Oh that's right, I forgot you don't shower. I'm sorry for forgetting something so obvious." Sabrina snapped back. "Guys, I'm trying to study take it somewhere else." Micha snapped at them. Chloe came out of the living room, "They've been at it for a while." She hugged him tightly. "Where is mom and dad?" He asked her as he hugged her back. "The store with Sabel. Keith is in his corner reading with head phones to drown those two out." She answered. "Do you know what started the fighting?" He asked her. "Eliot was the one who scared off her boyfriend this time." She answered with a shrug. "I've learned it's safer for the male race to not even look at the opposite gender."

He chuckled and kissed the top of her head, "Keep that in mind Princess." He then went to his office where Keith was sitting in his corner. The only one of his kids allowed to be in his office while he works. He even has his own bean bag chair and a small shelf for his books. The walls were thin up there so he constantly heard his sisters on their phones, or one of his brothers yelling at their games. He came here for piece and quiet.

He ruffled his hair as he went to his desk. Keith didn't say anything but he smiled as he continued reading. Danteous sat behind his desk and picked up the report cards his kids left for him. They always did their best in everything they did. Sometimes he wished Sabel didn't. Sabel was a trouble maker and he puts one hundred and ten percent when he causes problems. Despite the fact he was a trouble maker he had a good heart. He could be with his band of hoodlums and not care if his brothers or sisters come up to him. On the first day of Keith and Chloe's Freshman year of high school he sat at lunch for a little while until everyone understood they were his siblings and no one was to mess with them.

"Kids come unload the car!" Cole yelled when we came in. Viviana came in and Keith left to go help. The triplets and Sabrina know they were into BDSM but they felt Chloe and Keith were too young to understand. They told the others when they gave them the sex talk. They have yet to give them the talk. When the older siblings make sex jokes Chloe and Keith become red and scurry off so they weren't ready.

Danteous captured her lips and kissed her roughly. She gripped his shirt as she moaned into the kiss. Cole came in, "Can I get in on this?" They parted and smiled. Cole kissed Danteous while Viviana nibbled his neck. "Damn it Eliot!" Micha yelled. Viviana sighed, "Time to make sure the eggs don't end up all over the kitchen." As she was walking they both gave her a good smack on the ass. She gave them a playful glare, as she left the room.

Cole leaned against the desk with a smile, "Do you have paperwork to do tonight?" Danteous nodded, "A little, but I still expect the two of you to be in the playroom after dinner." Cole smiled excitedly. "I'm going to go start dinner." He said then left the room. Danteous looked at the wedding photo on his desk. They were able to give her, her dream wedding after the triplets were born and it was well worth the wait. Their honeymoon was what lead to Sabrina. Its been the best seventeen years ever.

"Dinner is ready!" Viviana yelled and all of her kids filed into the dinning room very loudly. Sabel sat next to her like he always does. He was the momma's boy and wore her hogs tooth proudly. She had given it to him when he was five and dressed as a Marine for Halloween. A hogs tooth was a bullet given to snipers when they finished training. There was a saying that there was a bullet for every sniper. They would be safe if they had theirs with them for thirteen years he wore it with pride. Eliot sat across from him and she couldn't help but notice his knuckles. They were purple, clearly have been in a fight.

"Who's the unlucky loser?" She asked him. "Sabrina's now ex boyfriend." He replied happily. Micha and Sabel chuckled while Sabrina came in rolling her eyes. She sat in Chloe's usual spot so she would be able to glare daggers at him throughout dinner. Chloe came in and sat down by Cole. He kissed her cheek and she smiled happily.

Keith sat down and Danteous sat at the head of the table. "How was everyone's day?" Danteous asked them all. Chloe smiled brightly, "I made the volleyball team." "Congrats Princess." Cole said happily while Viviana nodded. "We'll have to add another shelf in the livingroom. Our volleyball team has never lost a game." Eliot said. Every award, trophy, and medal is in the livingroom along with their mom's awards and medals.

Danteous nodded in agreement. His eyes went to Micha who was being unusually quiet. "How was your day Micha?" He asked him. Micha didn't say anything and his brothers shared a look of question. Micha was a chatter box who loved to talk. Especially about his girlfriend Saddie. Unable to handle the stares Micha gave in, "Saddie cheated on me. I caught her with one of the cheerleaders as I was leaving basketball practice."

"Good riddance." Chloe muttered. Everyone looked at her shocked. Chloe was the nicest of the family, never cussed or insulted anyone. "What? I never liked her. Her laugh was always forced, and I hated the looks she gave Sabel and Eliot, and every other guy at school. You never noticed because you're so infatuated with her. Did you know she was paying people to do her homework for her to pass because she didn't understand it?" Chloe, always the observant type. She noticed things others tend to miss. Like how Sabrina ran her middle fingernail under her thumb nail when she lied. Or when Sabel's fingers flinched before he got ready to punch someone.

"I get being cheated on hurts Micha, I really do but don't waist your time on someone who doesn't want to make you happy. God you're always bending over backwards for her." Then she turned to Sabrina, "Eliot had a right to hit Joseph. He would've left you in a week anyways, have you seen his track record? Wake up Brina, go for guys that actually do things for you, like Keith's boyfriend."

Now all heads turned to Keith. None of them knew he was gay, nor did they even know he was dating. "Thanks Chloe." He muttered, ears red. "What's his name?" Viviana asked him curiously. "James Fowler. He's on the JV football team." Keith said, face still red. "I met him in my Geometry class."

"Can't wait to meet him." The triplets said smiling and Keith gulped. The triplets weren't just protective of their sisters but of their baby brother and each other. Their parents were proud to see they have such a strong bond. When dinner was done the kids noticed how quickly mom and dad left the room while their father took his time. "Let's hurry and get this cleaned up before the screaming starts." Micha said standing up. "No one wants to be downstairs when it starts." They all agreed and quickly cleaned the table.

Danteous went into the room and saw Viviana and Cole kneeling on the floor, naked and ready. He needed the cane for walking, luckily though his injury didn't keep him from pleasuring them. He tilted their heads up, "I hope you're both ready because I don't feel like being gentle tonight."

After hours of intense sex they laid their sweaty and tired. Danteous pulled them to him, "Happy anniversary." He whispered to them.

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