Chapter 2

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When Viviana woke up in a hospital bed she only had a second before her mind started slamming her with memories. Cole. Danteous. She bolted up in the bed but her dad stopped her.  "Slow down Vivi." He told her. She shook her head, "Danteous, Cole." She rushed out. "Are fine." He assured her. "They'll make a full recovery."

Relief flooded her heart. She felt her breathing become easier. She then thought about Maxis, thought about getting the revenge she craved. He nearly killed her fiances. "Easy tiger, I know that look but you're not going anywhere." She looked at her father, "Why not? He is still out there!" Anger was flooding her at the fact she had been so useless when it came to protecting Danteous. She was angry she had been so out of it she let Cole step outside. "When is the last time you've had your cycle?" He asked her. "What does-" she stopped as realization slammed into her. "I'm pregnant." She whispered and he nodded. "Do they know?" She asked him. He shook his head, "We were going to leave that up to you."

She was pregnant and unable to get any form of revenge. She isn't even allowed to protect them. They wouldn't let her. She was excited, happy that they were going to have a family but she was scared that something was going to happen with Maxis out on the loose. When Zeke came in she gave him a small smile. "How goes the hunt?" She asked him. "I know you Michaels, so I won't be telling you anything. What I am going to tell you is that the three of you will be moved to a safe house once they're strong enough to be moved. The location of your safe house will stay between only myself, the pilot, and one other to ensure you all stay safe. There will be a couple of doctors where you'll be staying only a phone call away. They've all had very thorough background checks and are very safe to have on sight."

That still didn't settle well with her. She wanted to be the one to put him behind the bars, make sure he can't hurt them, but she was benched for nine whole months. She placed a hand on her stomach, it would be worth it though. Once she was cleared  by a nurse she went to the room Danteous and Cole were sharing. She couldn't wait to tell them the good news. When she saw that they were awake and alert her throat felt tight and her eyes burned. "Thank God you're both alright." She gave them each a hug and a kiss. "We heard you had an anxiety attack, are you okay?" Danteous asked her.

She smiled widely, "We're perfectly fine." "We?" Cole asked. Their eyes went to where her hand rested on her stomach. Then they saw her bright smile. They're going to be fathers. Danteous and Cole had discussed if she did get pregnant what they would do. With polygamy marriages they allow both men to sign as the father. Some do get paternity tests to see who is the father in case of a divorce but they don't need it. They would both sign and take equal responsibility.

"Weren't you on birth control?" Cole asked her. "Did you know that there is a small precentage of women that birth control doesn't work on?" She asked them. She shrugged, "Who knew that I was part of that precentage." Danteous chuckled softly, "You are a unique woman Baby Girl." She smiled happily.

"Have you talked to Zeke?" She asked them sitting in a chair between their beds. Danteous nodded, "He came and saw us before he went to see you. Wouldn't tell us where our safe house is though, said the less who know the better." She nodded in agreement. "He refuses to tell me anything on he case. Due to me being pregnant I'm not allowed to go on a man hunt. Which I'm okay with, just this once." She explained with a nod. "Of course I'm going to have to have my mind taken off the fact I'm benched as a mad man chases after us."

Cole smiled, "And when we're able too, we'll be happy to take your mind off of it." She smiled, "I'll be looking forward to it." Until then she's stuck with her guilt and thoughts.

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