Chapter 9

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Alexandra was frustrated that all leads they have had, have all hit dead ends. She wanted to be able to hurry up and find this bastard. She leaned back in her chair and rubbed her eyes. They've been working for four very long nights in a row. Francis placed a hand on her shoulder, "Go home, get some rest. I can't have you fall over dead due to sleep deprivation." She sighed and shook her head. "Food first." He chuckled, "Come on dinner is on me."

That got her bolting up from her chair, "I'm down for that." Francis rolled his eyes as they left and went to a diner. "How did you find this place?" She asked him. The diner was out of the way and hidden in Hinsboro. "Viviana brought me here after we solved our first case together. The waitress had to bring us a bag of ice for her fist from when she hit the guy we were interrogating. It got us our killer and he didn't file charges because she was hot, claimed it was the most action he had gotten in a while."

Alexandra felt the same. She hasn't had any action in a while and it was driving her nuts. Case always first though. She sat down in a red pleathor booth. They looked at the menu and her stomach decided it all sounded so good. "Any theories on how we can catch Maxis?" He asked her as they looked at the menu. She sighed as she shook her head, "I've hit nothing but dead ends." He sighed, "Same."

After their orders were taken they began talking over everything they've learned so far. "So both he and Bridget are off the grid, and cut all of their ties." Francis said. "Except he keeps in contact with his mother." She pointed out to him. Francis nodded,"Yes and anytime we try to locate Maxis when they're on the phone their conversations are never long enough and the location is always changing." She crossed her arms on top of the table, "Who all did he talk to in prison?"

He shrugged, "Apparently he was a loner. His only visitors he had was some woman we have yet to identify and his mother." She nodded, "I think the woman was Bridget. She was out of prison before he was but I'm trying to figure out why she went to see him in the first place."

The waitress brought them their food and she took a big bite out of her burger. "This is so good." She said with a slight moan. Francis smirked, "Amazing food and great atmosphere, can't go wrong." She nodded in agreement. They were silent for a few minutes while they ate.

"Maybe she saw the article on Viviana when she took down the terrorist who was copying a serial killer. Her fiances were mentioned in the article and Bridget did her homework on Danteous. The fact Maxis is rich is an added bonus to her." Alexandra nodded, "She figured they both could get revenge then she can follow her old habits and take Maxis' money. But why go after Viviana in the first place?"

That was something she couldn't help but wonder. Yeah Viviana arrested her but she couldn't understand why the drive she had. "Because when she was arrested her eight month old daughter was taken from her. Viviana made sure the girl got a good home and everything." Francis explained to her. That explains it. She wondered how many kids these days have serial killers for parents. Her father was the Crimson Slasher. He would tie a crimson ribbon around his victims necks then slash their neck just under the ribbon. Her father was a good man on the surface, but I guess you truly never know someone, no matter who they are, she thought.

"Do you think Bridget is coming after her to find out where her daughter is?" Alexandra asked him. He shrugged, "Its a possibility." They were cut off by Francis' phone ringing.

"You've got Francis." He said. He listened for a few minutes before hanging up. "Come on Martinez, we have a lead." She was shocked, "Really?" He threw down some cash on the table to pay for their food. "Security cameras caught Maxis and Bridget with many men with guns boarding a cargo plane that is supposed to be heading to where their safe house is located. Unfortunately we only found out a day after he boarded the plane. So pack a bag for warm weather Martinez."

When Danteous' phone rang Viviana was the only one awake. Their whole family was their for their wedding tomorrow so she knew it wasn't Victor. Francis' name was on the Caller ID. She took it into the bathroom to not wake them up. "Yes Francis." "He boarded a plane yesterday and is headed your way Vi." He told her. "He is not a lone, several with guns in tow." Her hand went to her stomach, "I see." They knew it was a possibility, and had made many plans as a precaution.

"He thinks he has the element of surprise on his side. We maybe a day late catching him but something tells me he has something big planned." He told her. She nodded, "Thanks for the tip Francis." "We're on our way but no clue if we'll make it in time. We're meeting up with some of the agents from NCIS, and a couple from CIA since this is an over seas incident. We should be there by noon tomorrow." He told her.

"Hopefully you don't miss out on the fun." She told him with a smirk. She heard him scoff, "Only someone as insane as you, would see this as fun. See you soon Vi." He then hung up. She hung up and went to warn the two in bed with her. One way or another she was going to get married, even if it ended up with someone being killed in order for it to happen.

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