Chapter 6

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Maxis woke up to his phone ringing, a photo of his mother on the screen. He groaned and answered it, "Yes mother?" "We have to cancel our Tuesday dinner, the FBI decided to stick their nose in our business, told HPD about our meeting." She told him. He could her her filing her nails as she spoke to him. The sound was grating on his ear drums.

"But I do have some information on your brother's whereabouts. In two weeks he'll be getting married. Several of the things they ordered for the wedding is being sent to an island in the Carribean. I did a little digging and saw that Cole's brother Parker and his husband, owns an island in the Carribean." She told him sounding a little jealous. His mother always did hate when people had more than she did.

"I thought they were going to give their precious princess the wedding she deserved?" He asked her, sitting up. Bridget grumbled and rolled over, pulling the sheets up to her shoulder. "They want to do it while she can still fit her dress." His mother explained. "It was either that or wait till after she has the baby." His mother would've preferred for them to wait, to give them more time to ensure all of his money goes to them and Maxis gets his revenge. Unfortunately it doesn't appear to be the case.

"When can we get to the Carribean?" He asked her. "Well I figured I would buy your way on to a cargo plane that will be carrying some of their things sometime next week." She told him. "I still haven't located the lawyer who wrote Danteous' will though. Knowing him, he has probably made several copies and has them with those he's trusted. If one of those wills get brought out then everything will have been for nothing." Maxis wanted to deny it, claiming that this revenge was worth everything but instead he let his mother rant.

He did envy his brother though. He will never get to have a family of his own and with his line of work the women he meets are only loyal to money. Even the woman in his bed now would kill him and take everything he has. Danteous has it all, two fiances who love and trust him, a baby on the way, a successful career not shaped by murder, and a family who would lay their lives on the line for him. Maxis never let himself wonder what his life would've been like had he listened to Danteous when they were younger.

He can still hear that sixteen year old boy yelling at him to get his head out of his ass and to start being better than their parents. Back then he was riding the high of getting away with murder, having dozens of women he could fuck, and having an endless amount of cash. It all came crashing down when Danteous walked into his house minutes after he had killed one of his girls. She had wanted out, didn't want to whore for him anymore so he let her out, permanently. Of course being arrested wasn't good for his business, threw it down the toilet actually but he will get it back he just needed to remove the thorn from his side first.

"What do we do if you can't buy my way on to the plane?" He asked her. "You have a gun, persuade them." She answered. "You know, I don't have to do everything for you." He scoffed at her, "Last I checked mother, your face isn't on a wanted poster." He had to be careful every time he stepped outside.  He couldn't get arrested before he finished what he escaped to do.

He looked at his nightstand drawer. If he did get arrested, he would be throwing his mother under the bus. He's recorded every call, and dug up every dirty family detail. Those details will also help dirty his brother's name so if he isn't able to kill him the least he could do is ruin his business. "Well if you weren't so careless you wouldn't have gotten caught in the first place." She snapped at him. Mother of the year, he thought as he rolled his eyes. Only she would encourage her son to not get caught while he killed a prostitute.

He then thought about the woman his brother was marrying. She has far more blood on her hands than he did. What nightmares of her past could he dig up? What could he use against her? Cole's background was a little boring since his older brothers sheltered him from the world, so there was nothing on him but those who've been in combat all have skeletons in their closets that they'd rather keep in the closet. How many has she killed that she regrets? Who has she lost that she wished she could've saved?

He smirked as it dawned on him why someone so strong was a submissive. She wasn't strong, he realized. It's a facade and with the right hits, it'll all crumble. He just had to find the right bullets. It was time to do some research on the retired Marine.

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