"But you never know if it may require additional fire power." Ratchet said immediately after Optimus had finished speaking, he just appeared. "Bumblebee can handle Groundbridge duty." 

BumbleBee responded.

"Time to put some hurt on those Decepticons." Ratchet said as Bumblebee activated the Groundbridge, and Ratchet took lead as the others tried to catch up with him.

"Hey Bee is it me, or is Ratchet getting a bit ahead of himself?" Nova asked.

Bumblebee buzzed to her, even though she couldn't understand what he was saying but she thought maybe it might be a yes in replied. It's been 15 minutes passed that Nova was beginning to worry about Ratchets wellbeing. Ratchet may have thought he completed the formula but Nova believed that it might have physical side effects. She compared the Synthetic Energon that he took as a drug. Once you try it you never stop craving for it. It can also change their behavior and affect their health.

Bumblebee seems to notice her silence and worried looks on Nova as he buzzed at her which caught her attention. Nova still couldn't understand him but the looks on the optics, something tells her that he was asking what's wrong.

"Oh sorry Bee, Its Ratchet......I just hope he doesn't do something that he'll regret." Nova said thoughtfully. Bumblebee was about to say something until the comm link opened up

"Bumblebee, bridge us back."

"Well that was quick." Nova said

Bumblebee activated the Groundbridge as no one came through it for a while, just then Ratchet came through as he set his optics on Nova. "Hey Ratchet, Are you....." Ratchet then out of nowhere took a swipe for Nova and placed her behind his neck, Nova gripped for dear life. "Whoa! Ratchet what are you..." Nova exclaimed.

"Stay there!" he ordered as he ran back the way he came, Nova hanged on for her life as Ratchet charged at Bulkhead, he lifted him off the ground and threw him at Optimus and Arcee, he then transformed around her and sped off on the dusty road.

Nova sat in the passenger seat as she swayed harshly from left to right at Ratchet's crazy driving as well as the sudden transformation. "Ratchet! Where are we going!? And why do I have to come?!" Nova asked panicked.

"I need a witness of Megatrons destruction so i can prove it right in Optimus's face by using you, so he can see how right i am of how we should be coming at them with all we got and this synthen is going to prove my point." He said aggressively.

"Woah woah.....You're going to take on Megatron by yourself?!"

"Be quiet!" he yelled as the seatbelt wrapped around her mouth, naturally she yelled in muffled cries. "It's up to you Nova, you can go with me silently for the trip or i can render you unconscious until we get there." He threatened as the seatbelt started to choke her neck, She gagged Ratchet was actually enduring pain onto her, Nova was struggling to breathe and felt sick, so she reluctantly nodded violently, as he released her restraint.

"Good girl, i knew you could see it my way." He said still aggressively, Nova rubbed her neck as he had left a large red mark, like a collar. Nova was silent as she was nervous and the drive wasn't helping either. Nova knows Ratchet never physically hurt her or other humans before and that alone has rendered her speechless. 'His forceful behaviors one thing but now he's just plain aggressive...... It must have been the synthetic energon?!  It must be messing with his head.'

The trip wasn't long as they came to a huge mine, no one was guarding it from outside, Ratchet transformed again and held her in his grip a bit too tightly, much to Nova's displeasure.  

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