I remember bringing the kids up there and we wouldn't even speak. As time went on, you can tell he started to miss me again. He tried to have small conversations but I wasn't having it at first. I was done. Just as long as he was a father to our kids, I was cool. So yeah, this encounter should be...interesting...

26 minutes later
Sing Sing Correctional Facility
Ossining, NY

After the hour drive up here, I parked the car and went inside to sign for his release. It took a couple minutes just to get him processed through but the look on his middle-aged face was priceless. He didn't know he was getting out today nor did he know I would be taking him back home. It was still complicated between us but...I knew I'd be happy to see him walking on the outside after all this time.

Once they gave him his stuff from years ago when he first got arrested, he came rushing up to me with a big smile. His arms wrapped around me and surprisingly he went in for a kiss, as if I was still his girlfriend at the end of all this. Lord knows we both wanted that more than anything but...times has changed.

I kissed back but didn't make quite the effort like he did. Once he pulled back, he quickly remembered why I looked away from him with an awkward expression. Thus, he backed away to give me some space. "I'm sorry..."

"No, don't be. You're just excited and I'm excited for you. It's been....a bitch of a journey......–for both of us"

He nodded his head. "It feels surreal that I never have to see this place again. *Looks around* I really pulled through, I been in here for 22 years..."

I patted his shoulder. "You're so strong"

He nodded his head again but immediately started to tear up. My heart felt his pain...and his joy. I knew it was an emotional ride and how so much extra shit went on for him to get through it. I praised him for always keeping his head up and I definitely knew what this moment felt like for him.

It's always sad to see a man cry, thus I started to cry and we both hugged each other tightly in the tears. Apart from the shit he's been through, I have also been through it. The lonely nights, crying spells, the jealously of other couples, the feeling of being empty, having to raise three kids all by myself, not finding anyone like him and of course the whole Gabriella situation. It's been rough on both of us, even our kids suffered.

"I'm so happy– *cries* I can finally hold you in my arms and come home...*cries* I can finally come home" he cried in my ears as I held his back.

"I know. I know"

"I promise you I'm a make shit right again, I promise to both you and my kids. I'll do anything for yall and I gotta get a few things off my chest to you about us"

Pulling away from the hug, we both wiped our tears away and I grabbed his arm to escort him out. "You hungry? There's a McDonald's nearby. We can talk there..."


Laughing at the way he devoured his third chicken sandwich, he sat in the booth like a stuffed turkey and rubbed his stomach.

"It was a good, huh?" I chuckled, sipping on my orange soda.

"Hell yeah..." He said briefly before burping and sitting back up. "I'd kill for a McChicken in that place, you see how skinny I got?"

I stared at his frame in his maroon colored shirt and caught myself staring maybe just a little too much. Not only has he gotten in shape but his muscles were bulging through the fabric. I found myself still very attracted to him, grey hairs and all. He was still Nymir Goodson...

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