Chapter 18

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Sam eased himself down on one of the motel beds, and Dean handed him a beer and asked, "You okay?"

"Yeah," Sam says softly.

"You sure, Sammy?" he asks concernedly.

Sam nods as Aimée walks in silently. They both look up at her but Dean only asks, "You hungry, kid?"

Aimée shakes her head no.

"All right, well I'm going to go get us some food anyways cause I'm starving," Dean says, getting up to go, calling over his shoulder on the way out the door, "Sammy, try and get some sleep, okay?"

Aimée sits on the the window sill, looking out the window silently crying.

"Hey," Ash says as she comes over by her.

"What?" she asks.

"You know it's not your fault, right?" she says.

"I know, but it should have been me, not him," Aimée says softly, still looking down with tears streaming down her face.

"You're wrong," Ash said matter-of-factly.

Aimée sighs, "It's still my fault, I couldn't save him from getting stabbed."

"You saved him from getting thrown into a wall, instead," Ash half-teased, trying to make light of it even though she did technically have a valid point.

Aimée rubbed her head slightly, yawning.

"You should get some sleep. Don't worry, I'll make sure no one kills you and Sam while you're unconscious," Ash offered, smiling slightly when she caught sight of Sam passed out on one of the beds, sans shirt.

Aimée walked over to the couch, curling up in a corner and falling asleep, and Ash took her seat on the windowsill so she could see outside and keep an eye on them in the room.

Aimée curled up tighter as Dean and Cas returned to the room, and Dean offered Ash a beer from the six-pack he'd bought.

Cas glanced at Aimée, watching her closely. He went and sat down by her, holding her closely but doing his best to keep her from waking up cause he could tell she was having a nightmare. Aimée let out a frightened whimper, startling awake, and Cas immediately held her tightly and calmed her down. Aimée buried her head in his shoulder, crying.

"Cas, Aimée, what's going on?" Dean asks concernedly.

"She just had a nightmare," Cas says.

"About what?" Dean wants to know.

Cas touches Aimée's hair, stroking it until she calms down enough to stop crying and speak.

Aimée sighs calming down, before she starts explaining.

"I just had another premonition," Aimée starts, "It was about another hunt gone wrong, but it wasn't Sam this time," she adds.

"Well then who was it?" Dean asks.

"It was me," she says looking down.

"What?" he asks.

"It was me," Aimée says softly adding, "I was helping you because Sam was laid up."

Dean glances at Sam still passed out on the bed. Aimée looks at the floor.

"Next time you guys have a case, just don't take Aimée or don't do anything about it until Sam can go with you," Ash answered like it was simple.

Aimée stands up and walks to the kitchenette in the motel room.

"Or does it not work like that?" Ash asked skeptically, noticing that no one had said anything in response to her comment.

Cas goes to stand next to Aimée before saying, "The only thing they know is being on the road on hunts."

"Just, I don't know, take a mini vacation until Sam gets better, and then you won't have to worry about it anymore," Ash said.

Aimée shrugs, looking down, and Dean heaves a sigh. Cas runs his hand through Aimée's hair, comforting her.

"Cas, what if Sam doesn't heal?" Aimée whispers loud enough for only Cas to hear.

Cas sighs and says, "Sam Winchester is a strong man. He'll be fine," he tries to reassure her.

Aimée looks down at the floor, near tears.

"It's not your fault," Cas tells her.

"It feels that it was," Aimée starts, "It should have been me with the splinters not Sam."

"It doesn't work that way, Aimée. You know that," Cas tells her.

"I know," she says softly with her knees shaking.

Cas wraps his arms around her, and eventually she falls asleep.

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