Chapter 8

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Ash clicked through everything her internet search had brought up, looking for any detail that might explain why burning the hook hadn't worked, aside from the obvious one of the three Winchester's incompetence. But she had gone to check out the museum again after leaving their motel room last night and it appeared they'd salted and burned the hook correctly, there was practically nothing left of it.

Suddenly her eye caught on an old auction poster. A Miss Eva Browning had auctioned off a bunch of her recently deceased husband's belongings because she had no money to live off of, and records showed the local parish had bought a lot of it just to help her out. Granted this was almost two-hundred years ago, which means any leads would have to be traced all the way through their ancestors to anyone still living today. Time to head to the town hall to check out all of the censuses over the years.

Ash pulled on her boots and jacket, making sure she had a fair amount of blades and throwing stars tucked around her person, and the gun stuffed into the back of her jeans. She grabbed her helmet and then hopped onto her bike, about to back out of the parking spot in front of the bed and breakfast she was staying at--farthest lodging from the Winchester's she could find that was still within the town limits--when a man suddenly showed up right behind her so she couldn't pull out of her spot.

"Get out of the way, asshole!" she shouted at him.

He moved to the side, holding his hands up and asking, "Your name is Ashlynn Rhodes, correct?"

Ash looked at the man, confused but mostly suspicious that this random trench-coated man knew her full name and had just showed up where she was staying.

"Depends who's asking," she threatened, pulling her gun out and aiming it at his chest.

"My name is Castiel. I know the Winchesters," he started, taking a step closer to her.

"Stop right there, buddy. I want nothing whatsoever to do with the Winchesters," she snapped, cocking the gun as she swung off her bike to face him.

Castiel looked at her and said flatly, "I mean you no harm, Ashlynn. I just came to ask you--" but his words were cut short by her shouting,

"It's Ash, and I don't know who you are and I want nothing to do with you. Now stay out of my way before you find yourself with a hole in your chest," she threatened.

Castiel didn't listen, he took two steps closer and then stopped short with a little jerk when the gun went off and his body absorbed the impact of the bullet that was sending a flower of blood blooming over his clothes.

He sighed and glanced down at his already-healing chest, remarking, "You like shooting people more than Dean."

"What are you?" she demanded as the bullet wound healed completely and the bullet fell out and plinked on the asphalt.

"I'm an angel," he said.

"Well then let's see if this kills you," she snapped, drawing a throwing star and tossing it right at him.

Castiel put a hand up and everything froze, including her and the throwing star hovering in midair, right on a path for her heart. Just Ash's eyes widened in surprise and alarm.

"Angels don't die," Castiel said as he lowered his hand, but kept her frozen so she couldn't move and try to kill him again but could still talk .

"I am a friend of the Winchesters and they need your help. Since they're too stubborn to ask for help, Aimée sent me to try and talk to you. I would appreciate it if you would listen," he said calmly.

"It's not like I have much choice," Ash snapped, her fingers twitching as she tried to move but failed.

Castiel sighed but began explaining, which is how Ash ended up pulling up in front of the town hall right next to the three Winchesters as the Impala pulled up.

"What are you doing here?" Dean demanded the minute he saw her, getting out of the car and slamming the door.

"Ask your sister. You should really keep your angel boyfriend on a leash," Ash directed at Aimée, who's cheeks flushed red as Sam and Dean turned to stare at her in shock.

Aimée looked down before climbing back into the Impala holding her knees. Dean rolled his eyes and walked to the town hall door.

"We'll talk about this later," Sam told her but then followed Dean inside, Ash calling a sarcastic, "Oops, thought they knew," over her shoulder as she went inside with them.

Aimée sighed, looking out the window before finally deciding to take a walk to clear her mind from the thoughts of the nightmare that she had the night before.

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