Chapter 17

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Aimée sits outside on the hood of the Impala, looking at the grass, and Cas stands by her when he gets back, wrapping his arms around her.

"That should have been me and not Sam," Aimée says softly still looking at the grass.

"What makes you say that?" he asks her.

"My dream," she says looking down.

"It is strange that your dream was actually a premonition for something that happened in real life," Cas remarks.

Aimée nods.

"Has this happened to you before?" he questions.

"Yeah," she says still looking down.

"Why haven't you said anything?" he asks.

"Because I don't know how to explain what happens or what I see to my brothers but I've had this since I was five," she says.

"Since you were five? How often do you have visions?" he asks.

"At least three times a week, sometimes even four," Aimée explains.

"Do they always end up coming true?" he asks concernedly.

"Not all the time," she says.

"I'll see what I can find out about it, but you should probably tell Sam and Dean," Cas suggests.

"Tell us what?" Dean asks, walking out with Sam and Ash.

Cas gives Aimée a look.

"My dreams are actually premonitions," she says softly looking down.

"What?" Dean demands.

"I've been having premonitions since I was five years old. They weren't as bad as they are now, but a majority of the time some of them end up being true," Aimée says.

"How bad are they?" Sam asked worriedly.

"Bad enough to send me to my knees with a bad headache," she says looking down.

Sam sighs, wincing cause his chest still hurts from where Dean did his best to patch it up, but Dean gives her a look and demands, "And why haven't you told us about this before?"

"Because I was scared that you and Sam wouldn't believe me, and I was five when these started and I didn't know what these were!" Aimée shouts.

"So you just didn't say anything?" Dean demands.

"I didn't say anything because I didn't know what they were," Aimée argues before hopping off the hood and running off angry and flustered.

Cas goes to go after her, but Sam stops him, saying, "Leave her alone, she needs some time to herself."

"Keep an eye on her though, please, Cas. We don't need her doing anything stupid but she probably won't listen to either of us right now," Dean says.

Aimée ran to the water, sitting down on a rock crying into her knees.

Cas kept an eye on her but stayed out of sight and Dean, Sam, and Ash headed back to the motel room. Aimée sighed, touching the water, relaxing slightly.

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