Chapter 15

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Aimée looked around, panicked, trying to figure out where her brothers were, completely forgetting that she had fallen asleep in Cas's arm. Cas immediately wrapped his arms around Aimée, trying to calm her down.

"Where are they?" Aimée immediately asks looking around for her brothers and Ash.

"They're tracking down the people that broke into the room. Dean said not to worry," Cas tells her.

Aimée slowly calms down, "Okay," she says softly, rubbing her eyes.

"Would you like me to go get you some food?" Cas asks her.

She nods as her stomach growls.

He asks her what she wants and then pops out and back in to with the food a few seconds later.

"Thank you, Cas," she says before starting to eat.

Cas sat down next to her before eating the food that he had gotten himself.

"This is where these little shithead decided to hole up?" Dean asks incredulously as they all got out of the Impala and started walking towards the old abandoned mill that they had traced the teenage kids to.

"Where else would they hole up? I'm surprised they weren't stupid enough to make their mom's basement a hideout," Ash remarked.

Sam nodded his head in agreement before looking around as they went into the building, weapons drawn just in case.

They heard a laugh and chatter echoing from further inside the building, and Dean gestured for them to split up and close in on where the voices were coming from, so they did until they met up in the far corner of the building, trapping the kids in one of the rooms. The kids were playing poker, gambling with items from the box that was thrown open on the table next to them.

"Hands up, punks," Dean said, and they all looked up in surprise before the expression on their faces quickly turned to shock and then fear because they realized all three of the people surrounding them had guns and looked severely pissed off.

"You heard him, hands up," Sam repeated when they didn't put their hands up.

One of them, the one he and Ash had talked to the first time yesterday, immediately dropped his cards and threw his hands in the air, but the other, the friend who had been behind the whole thing, just smirked and asked, "Is girlie here going to make me?" as he flitted his glance at Ash.

Without a word, Ash fired her gun at the ground right next to his feet as a threat to how much she actually would do to make him. He stared at her like she was insane and put his hands up, but then threatened, "You're still not getting the box."

Dean glanced at Sam before looking back at the two kids.

"Well we could always just take it," Ash said casually, lowering her gun but calmly reaching across the table and starting to put things back in the box. The kid she'd shot at watched her silently, his eyes narrowing as he glared at her.

Sam flicked his gun at the kid, gesturing away from Ash, and snapped, "Move."

"Or what?" the kid threatened.

"You don't want to know what," Dean answered menacingly.

The kid smirked, glancing at his friend who was still sitting across from him with his hands up, terrified, and then commanded, "Do it."

The second kid shook his head, clearly scared to death, but the first growled in annoyance and then lunged across the table, snatching up the gleaming silver hook with a shout. In seconds, the ghost appeared and knocked Sam, Dean, and Ash into the walls with an evil hiss.

Sam hurried to his feet and ran over to check on Ash and Dean.

"Dean, where's your bag?" Ash shouted, ducking a piece of debris that the ghost sent flying at her.

"In the car," Dean replied as he struggled to get to his feet, a bit dazed because he'd smacked his head when he had been thrown against the wall.

"Goddamnit!" Ash shouted as she scrambled to her feet and started scanning the room for salt and matches.

"Dean," Sam starts, "Are you okay?"

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