Chapter 14

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Dean heaved a sigh and headed back to the Impala, spotting Sam and Ash also returning to it, looking like they had at least a little more good news than he did.

"I struck out. Did you two lovebirds get anything?" he asked.

Sam shot a glare at Dean.

"Yes. We're not lovebirds, and also the kid who had the box said that he had told one of his friends about it and they were talking about splitting the profit if they sold it," Ash answered flatly.

"What about you?" Sam asked Dean.

"Zilch. So where's this kid's friend?" he asked.

Ash and Sam shared a glance between the two of them.

"Small problem there. He lives right next to the kid who stole the box in the first place, and him and his brother didn't come home last night according to their mother," Ash explained.

Dean sighs, slightly flustered, before opening the car door to the Impala. He slumps down in the driver's seat, thinking.

"What, no joining a search party?" Ash asked sarcastically as she climbed over the front seat to get in the back.

Dean stayed silent still thinking of weather or not that they should join the search party before asking Sam, "What do you think we should do?"

"Start looking. They're teenagers, they probably just did something stupid, like stealing the box, and thinking they could get away with it. It shouldn't be that hard to find the, search party or not," Sam says.

"Okay," Dean replies before pulling out his phone to call Aimée and let her know what's going on, only to have Cas answer it.

Dean sighs, setting the phone on the front seat between him and Sam before starting the car and driving to start looking for the two kids, talking to Cas as he drives.

"Where's Aimée, Cas?" he asks.

"She's asleep right now, why?" Cas replies as he runs his fingers through Aimée's hair.

"When she wakes up tell her that we're tracking down the guys that broke into the room. We don't have a lead yet but we'll get one soon and she doesn't need to worry," he says.

"Okay," he says still running his hand through Aimée's hair.

"Keep an eye on her. I'll talk to you later," Dean says and then hangs up.

Cas continues to hold Aimée as she suddenly woke up frightened from the nightmare.

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