Chapter 9

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"So Cas is the one who told you to come here?" Sam asked as the three of them flipped through all the dusty leather-bound census records.

"Technically yes, but I was planning on coming here myself first before I shot him," Ash answered casually.

"You shot Cas?!" Dean demanded.

"Don't worry, I don't have any angel-killing bullets and he used his wonky angel powers before I could hit him with a throwing star. Your beloved angel is just fine, no thanks to me," she explained sarcastically.

"I don't know why Cas thinks we need help, anyways," Dean grumbled, returning to flipping through the pages of a book.

Sam stared at the pages, running a finger down the columns of text before moving on, and Ash was doing the same. A few minutes later Dean found something, and then they were heading back outside to go talk to a Barry Browning, the great-great-great-grandson of the Eva Browning who had sold her husband's hook hand once he had died.

Dean stopped short when he got outside and didn't see Aimée in the backseat of the Impala.

"Dean, is everything okay?" Sam asks.

"Where the hell did she go?!" he demands, gesturing to the empty backseat of the car and then yelling into the street, "Aimée!"

"Hey, Dean, calm down, she probably just went for a walk or something," Sam tried to rationalize as Dean started frantically looking around for their little sister.

"Guys. Just call her. She has a cellphone, right?" Ash commented simply.

Sam immediately pulled out his phone to call her, but Dean shot Ash a glare and kept looking. Just as Sam hit dial on his phone for Aimée's number, she walked back over with some food.

"Why did you leave the car?" Dean asked her immediately, grabbing her by the shoulders and glancing her over to make sure she was all right, not that it appeared anything had happened to her in the first place.

"I was hungry and I grabbed you all something to eat, too," she says softly.

"Fine," Dean accepts her explanation and then mutters a polite, "Thank you," and takes some of the food she had brought back with her.

"Just send me a text or something next time you're going to leave the car without telling us, okay?" Sam told her before going to discuss the case they were still currently working with Dean.

"Wow, do your brothers have trust issues or something?" Ash asked Aimée sarcastically, just low enough that Sam and Dean couldn't overhear.

Aimée shrugged.

Ash grinned, an idea suddenly popping into her head. "What do you say we ditch them and go work this case by ourselves? There'd be a lot less arguing over who gets to talk to the ME and who gets to talk to the ancestors," she remarked with a sly grin, because that indeed is what Sam and Dean were currently arguing about.

"Sure," she says softly glancing at Sam and Dean.

Aimée handed Ash a burger, saying, "Here. I didn't know what you liked, so I grabbed you a burger."

"Works for me, thanks," Ash answered, taking it.

In seconds the two girls had finished their food before Sam had even touched his, and Dean's was only half gone because he was unconsciously eating it while he argued with Sam.

"Ever been on a motorcycle before?" Ash asked Aimée with a mischievous grin, going over by her bike and grabbing a spare helmet from the storage compartment under the seat.

Aimée shook her head no saying, "I've never been on one, both Sam and Dean are overprotective of me."

"Really? I hadn't noticed," Ash said with a smirk, thrusting the helmet at Aimée, pulling her own on, and then mounting the bike.

Sam and Dean looked up and spotted their little sister on the back when Ash peeled out of the parking lot with a wild yell, Aimée laughing at the looks on her brother's faces as she quickly grabbed onto Ash's waist to keep from falling off the back of her bike.

Aimée smiled to herself as she looked around as they zipped along the road, weaving between cars until they got to Barry Browning's house. Once they had gotten there, Aimée got off first, taking off the helmet that she was wearing.

Ash swung off her bike, too, and then asked, "Are we being FBI or members of the Historical Society?"

"Sam and Dean never gave me fake ID's to use," Aimée answered timidly.

Ash pulled open the storage compartment under the seat and rifled around for a bit before pulling out two fake badges and handing one to the other girl. They were going to be members of the Historical Society, because those fake badges didn't have pictures, just signatures.

Aimée held back her grin as she followed Ash up to the house and knocked on the door. Aimée looked around on the porch as a fifty-something man answered the door.

"Mr. Browning? I'm Ms. Stradlin and this is my partner Ms. McKagan. We work for the Historical Society and we were wondering if you could tell us anything about your ancestors," Ash asked, her tone all business.

"You two look kind of young," he said skeptically.

"Blame it on my mother's genetics," Ash teased, pulling out the fake badge and showing it to him.

He scrutinized both her's and Aimée's but must have deemed them authentic and led them inside. Twenty minutes later, the two girls left with no more information than they had started with.

"What next?" Aimée asked as they went back over by Ash's bike.

"I hope you've been to confession recently, cause we're going to church," she teased as they got back on the bike and pulled on their helmets.

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