Chapter 3

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A full week has passed since the incident at school. Mum spoke with the principale resulting in Kent being suspended for two full weeks along with not being allowed to participate in football for a month.

I'm slowly starting to feel better as my ribs heal and the bruises fade. Mum wouldn't allow me to attend school this whole week. Some would love this, me on the other hand, I hate it. Yes, I was bullied at school but I still love learning. Liam and Harry bring me my homework and hang out with me for a few hours after school.

Liam picks up and drops off my sisters at school despite my protest. I'm so bored and lonely throughout the day until school is done and Harry and Liam arrive with my sisters. Liam and Harry seem awefully friendly with each other.

Today I'm finally going to ask why Harry was called 'Alpha' by Kent. Only an hour to wait and finally demand answers. I keep myself busy by doing the work I missed from yesterday (Thursday) so I can turn that day's work along with today's on Monday when I'm allowed to attend school again.

Before I know it the hour has passed as I place the work back in my bag, completed. Any minute now Liam and Harry should be here with my sisters and new homework.

Five minutes later the front door opens to my sisters entering the house followed by my best friend and Harry, who'm I'm really starting to have feelings for but want answers before I allow myself to fall completly.

"Hi girls, how was school?" I ask them as they sit at the table to do their homework. I've already made their snacks so I place them on the table for them.

"Good," all four chirp at me before Phoebe and Daisy ask for help with their homework. Tto that I tell them I'll help them but I need to talk to Liam and Harry alone for a few minutes and to work on a subject they don't need help with.

"Li, Harry, can I talk to you two in the living room for a moment please?" I ask walking toward the living room without waiting for an answer.

I hear their hevy footsteps following behind. Settling myself on the couch, I wait for them to sit as well. Once they're seated I jump right into my questions.

"Okay, before I passed out, I heard Kent call you, Alpha," I state looking directly at Harry, who shifts uncomfortably. "Why, what does Alpha mean?"

Harry stares at me for a moment before answering. "Because I'm an Alpha male," he states simply. Nope not going to fly.

"Cut the crap, Harry, give me the complete truth," I sass crossing my arms.

"How old are you, Louis?" he asks instead of fully answering.

Staring back at him, I refuse to back down. "Answer my bloody question first, then I'll answer yours."

"Lou," Liam warns quietly.

Snapping my head at him, huffing out, "No, Liam, I won't stop with my attitude. I want answers damnit and someone's going to answer me or you both can sod off."

Harry chuckles at this causing me to glare at him again with a raised eyebrow. "Fine," he says holding his hands up in surrender. "I'm the Alpha of the werewolf pack, Silver Moon. Our pack recently moved here with the local Alpha's permission to combine packs, with myself taking over in the entire combined pack in six months. This allows my pack and the other to become comfortable with each other and time for the local Alpha to gradually step down allowing me more control until the time is expired and I'm the new Alpha."

Harry looks so serious while talking, like he truly believes what he's saying and Liam's a mixture of scared and proud. Oh, my gosh, this is the best bloody joke anyone has ever tried pulling on me.

Laughing at how silly this sounds, I see the two of them share a confused look. "That's a bloody brillent joke, you two had me for a second. Thank you, I needed a good laugh after this week." Wiping the few stray tears that have seeped from my eyes, I notice they're still not smiling or laughing.

"Okay, I'll play along if you two want." Turning to Liam asking, "So are you a werewolf, too?"

Liam nods as he says, "Yes, I'm a Beta in the current pack that's combining with Harry's. My pack is the Cresent Moon. You're family is protected by the pack because your father was a Beta who died suspiciously. You and your siblings are half werewolf half human. You're mum knows but we were sworn to secreacy until you turned 17 years. She didn't want to stress you or your sisters out about what happened or what Mark really was."

"Not funny Liam, dad left us, he didn't die," I hiss out at him pissed. "Dad left us high and dry, mainly mum. He left us and mum to struggle to provide for us until she meet Dan and he took us on."

"Louis, what Liam is saying is the truth, Mark didn't leave, he died in a rouge attack," Harry butts in causing me to turn my glare back to him.

"Yeah, okay, if he died why weren't we told, at least mum and I? I think your sick joke has gone on long enough." I'm beyond pissed at the moment.

"You weren't told because it was better for you kids to think he left and not that he died and didn't have a chance to say goodbye to him," Liam interjects knowing that I'm going to blow any second.

"If this is true, then why in the hell haven't I turned into a werewolf?" I demand as I stand to pace the length of the couch.

"You're not 17 years old yet," Liam says quietly as I bump into his chest. "Lou, you need to calm down, this will all be fine," he says grabbing my arms to hold me in place.

"Sod off Liam," I growl as mum enters the house with Dan and the two youngest children.

"What's going on in here?" Dan asks as he sits Doris and Ernie down on the floor as he and mum eye the three of us.

"You know don't you, baby?" mum asks quietly as she intently studies my face.

"Know what, that I've been lied to as my sisters have about what really happened to dad? The face that if they're telling me the truth, dad was killed by whatever they called them? The fact that in about two months I'm supposidly going to turn into a damn werewolf?" I sassly reply to mum even though I know that is a bad idea.

"Don't take that tone with your mum!" Dan roars at me causing the two youngest children to whimper and my four other siblings to enter the living room worried.

"Don't tell me what to do, Dan," I shoot back angirly. "You're not my freaking dad. I respect you but fuck, how the hell am I supposed to respond to this information that I just had dropped on me? All rainbows and unicorns?"

"Louis, that's enough!" Dan shouts as his hand slaps across my face. Holding my bruised cheek, I stare at him as tears fill my eyes.

"I'll be back in awhile," I mutter out as I head to the door, grabbing my car keys on the way.

"Louis, you are not allowed to leave!" Dan hollered after me as I slam the door shut ignoring him completly. I'll deal with my punishment later, I think as I climb in and start my car. Before I can pull out of the drive, the back and front passenger doors open and close behind Liam, who's in the back and Harry, who's in the front.

"Out," I simply say to them staring straight ahead. I need to be alone.

"Drive to my house, Lou," Liam states simpley as he and Harry buckle themselves in. I don't say a word and neither do they the whole ten minute drive to Liam's. I ended up spending the weekend at his house, not going home until Sunday night just after dinner. Ignoring mum and Dan's phone calls and texts. Between Liam and Harry and Liam's parents, they explained everything to me Friday night.

Save MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora