12. Oh Joy! Surprises All Around

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In case any of you guys got confused, I changed it so that Katie is a senior and not a junior in highschool.



I breathed heavily as my feet pounded against the cement of my school's yard. April was just a tad bit behind me. We were running the mile for gym class, and I have to admit, I'm most definitely not an athletic person.

"So, what do you think I should do about Carter?" I asked her as we slowed down finishing our run. It had been a day since Carter stopped by my house, and I still haven't contacted him or anything.

Also, today is the band's last day here, and Luke invited me to come over to their hotel so we can hang out one last time together. I really am going to miss the guy though.

"Well, do you still want him in your life?" I honestly did not know the answer to this question. Carter and I were always so close, and I even remember when I felt sick if he wasn't around me. Our bonds could not have been broken. So when I found out that he left I couldn't believe it. I kept trying to tell myself that there was a good reason of why he didn't say goodbye, but I never came up with anything. And to make matters worse, he's now telling me that he's falling in love with me. The idea sounds great, but I just met Luke and I was falling for him.

"I don't know, April. You remember how close we were, right? What would you do?" April paused thinking of what to say.

"Well, if I were you, I would just hear him out. He might have a good reason of why he left. And if it's not a good reason, let him go." I nodded as she told me this. Ugh, now I have to talk to my mom and Carter. Why does my life have to be so hard?

I told April goodbye and walked to study hall.

I looked on my phone for any new texts from Luke. There was one, and it really confused me.

wear something nice 2night and bring ur talent. cant wait 2 see u.

I smiled when I saw the heart emoji after it, but why did he want me to bring my talent?

For the rest of the entire day, I could not stop thinking about what Luke told me. What was he planning if he wanted me to bring my talent?


I knocked on the door that had 3089 on it. Luke had told me to come around six and I was fifteen minutes early. I heard some footsteps coming closer, and when the door opened I was really shocked.

It was Harry Styles who answered. "Oh, hello there. You must be Katie."

I nodded still in shock from seeing him in person. He was, of course, freakishly taller than me also. Like by almost a foot. And his hair was fabulously gorgeous.

He laughed at me. I must be drooling or something, but why am I so shocked to meet Harry and not Luke? I guess Luke and I just clicked better. "What's so funny?"

"Oh, nothing. Just that I must've saw some drool come out of that open mouth of yours. And Luke was right. You are short." He said as he patted me on the head. I scowled.

"Can I come in?" He nodded as we headed further into the room. I looked around and saw Calum, Michael, Ashton, and four other dudes that I didn't really recognize.

"So, do you know everyone?" I must have looked confused because Michael was looking at me with a worried face. I shook my head as a no. "Well, you met Calum, Ashton, and me. But this is Harry, Louis, Zayn, Liam, and Niall." He pointed to each dude as he introduced them. I laughed.

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