7. My Day with 5SOS

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"Don't move a single muscle, Carter. I swear, if you do I'll stab you right here and now."

"You do as you please, as long as you don't touch her."

"In your dreams. I can't believe you're protecting her. She's just some helpless girl with an obsession."

"I'm in love with her."


I woke up from my nightmare sweaty and shaking. I could barely think straight. I mentally slapped myself. I can't let these bad memories get back into my head.

I looked over at the clock while rubbing my eyes. 2:30. Jeez, how long did I sleep in for? Wait? Is it Monday? Oh crap! I have school.

But, it's nearly over, so no need to go. Then I remembered last night and shivered. That Eugenia really got to me.

I looked at my phone. Two missed calls from Luke and a text message from April.

Hey gurl. Why r u not at school 2day? sick? want me to come over? oh and how was the concert?

I sighed. What a long night! Everything that happened came rushing into my memory. I smiled as I remembered hanging out with Luke in Popeye's. He's so sweet.

After we ate our chicken, I dropped him off at his hotel and went on home. My family obviously forgot that I was missing because they were all long into their deep slumber when I arrived at home. So I just passed out in my bed.

I stumbled out of my bed and hopped in the shower. I wonder what Luke wanted? Oh, yeah, I was supposed to be their tour guide.

I got out the shower and got dressed into some jeans and a plain white shirt and put on my black flats. Today was definitely going to be one of those skip days.

I hated driving out to my school every single day. It was way too far away from my home, but one must suffer for an education.

I dialed Luke's number. He answered on after the first ring.

"Katie! Where in the world have you been. I thought you died or something. Or Eugenia could have come after you. Or you could have-"

"Luke! I'm fine. I just slept in." I heard a sigh and tried to hold in a laugh. He was worried about me? Sure that's sweet, but really, Eugenia could have come after me? That's a little fat fetched.

From what I heard, she was locked up in jail.

"So, are you still up for touring with us guys?" Sure, why not? I mean, it meant that I could spend a whole entire day with Luke. Well, and his band buddies.

"Yeah." I told him my address, and he said they would be there soon.

Soon was definitely not soon. An hour later, and they still have not shown up. Where could they be? I almost decided that they probably bailed on me or something. I'll just go get a smoothie or something instead. But I gave them one last chance by calling Luke.

It went straight to voice mail. I sighed. They most definitely gave up on me.

I walked into my kitchen to get some juice. There was something off, though. All the lights were off downstairs and all the curtains were closed. I looked around, and I saw that the front door was open.

Someone broke in.

I walked outside, because I most definitely did not want to hang inside. I looked around my front yard, but I couldn't see anyone lurking.

I sat down on my front steps and stared at the street in front of me as the cars drove by. There was a slight wind in the air and it was humid. I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds. Chirping birds, car engines, wind blowing, and a... fart?

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