9. An Unlikely Visitor

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I woke up rather ungracefully looking through the window seeing the bright sun shine. I rubbed the eye goop out of the corners of my eyes and looked over at my clock. 6:45. Man, I have to go to school.

I got out of my bed and rushed over to the bathroom doing my daily routine and got dressed into some jeans and a Jackson Browne t-shirt.

Yeah, I like oldies.

I headed downstairs and saw that the rest of my family had left already.

My school didn't start until 8, so I had time. But really, I didn't. It took me around twenty frickin minutes to get to the stupid place, and it was already 7:50.

"Dang it," I said to myself as the home phone rang. I stumble over to the living room and picked it up.

"Hello?" I heard some heavy breathing on the other side. It was an unknown number, so I have no idea who it could really be.

"Hi, is this Katie Burns?" the voice was a recording of a deep voice so I couldn't recognize it. I reluctantly answered yes back.

What if this was some stalker or something? I thought against it and assumed it was some joke.

"Um, may I ask who is calling?" I asked, but the person already hung up.

I stood there staring at the phone. How odd.

Then I remembered that I had to get to school so I ran out the front door and into my car.

The ride to school always seems to last for buckets of hours. I had to get on an interstate for goodness sakes.

But today I had a more interesting ride.

I heard my phone ring as I just got onto South Claiborne Avenue.

I checked the caller I.D. and saw that it was Luke.

Surprise. Surprise.

That poor kid would not leave me alone. I sighed and finally decided that I would answer.

"Hello?" I asked trying to sound really annoyed.

"Oh, thank goodness! She's alright guys!" I heard this through the other phone with confusion. Why would I not be alright?

"Um, Luke? Is everything alright?" I heard some shh's in the background then I heard Luke clear his throat.

"Yes, everything is alright. How about you. What have you been up to?" This is so random. They're not even out of town, and he wants to talk to me. I really thought I was boring.

"Oh nothing much. Just drivng to school." There was a long pause.

"That's right! You would still be in school. I totally forgot. Are you late?"

"Not really," I lied. So, I guess Luke got his G.E.D. or something. Maybe he got emancipated. "Luke? Are you emancipated or what?"

"Um, yeah, I got my G.E.D., so I don't have to worry about finishing my senior year. I just thought that the band was doing so well that it wasn't necessary for me to go to college. I might go later though."

"Cool. So, listen, Luke. Why aren't you touring around New Orleans? I mean, don't you like the place. You guys still have like four more days left here." There was another long silence. Luke seemed nervous. Why would he be nervous?

"Um, well, I-I really miss you and I was wondering if we could meet up again before I left for North Carolina." He said this so shakily that I almost burst out laughing, but that would be mean. I knew that he really did miss me. But did I miss him?

Yeah, I missed him. He was always so kind to me and I could never hate him. But, should I meet up with him again? I have been trying so hard to keep anything that reminds me of Katrina out of my life, including 5sos, but I just can't come to hate them.

I finally let myself answer yes to Luke. I

really hope I wasn't regretting this.


After my strenuous day of school, I headed straight on home. Rebecca wouldn't be home until five, and my parents were still at work.

I opened the front door and noticed right away that something was off.

All the lights were on and the windows in the living room were open. Did someone intrude?

Gosh, this is so deja vu. Last time this happened I just ignored it, but now that it was happening again I wasn't so sure.

"Hello? Is anyone home?" I called out through the house. It was eerily silent. I cautiously walked into the living room and started to close the windows, but then I felt someone tap me on the shoulder.

I tensed up and slowly turned around to see a blonde haired girl. I instantly recognized her and starting glaring.

"Steph, what the heck are you doing in my house?!" I asked with a cold tone.

Steph is probably what i would call my enemy. For the past forever, she constantly bullied me and my twin sister, Katrina. She had no reason behind her bullying so that made it even worse. She never even stopped no matter what or who threatened to get in her way.

So I had to suffer with her bullying ever since I can remember. But last year she finally graduated from my school and headed off to college.

So why in the world was she in my living room?

You'll have to ask her.

"Oh, just paying a visit. Your front door happened to be wide open," she answered my question while examining her nails.

"Well, why don't you just leave and go back to your own college where you belong." I said back harshly. I watched as her careless brown eyes switched to piercing mean eyes.

"Now listen here, Katie, you cannot under any circumstances tell me what to do. Is that clear?" I just rolled my eyes. "Oh and by the way, I'm here visiting my mother."

I threw my hands up in the air. "Then why aren't you at her house?"

She gave me a blank state before narrowing her eyes at me again. "Because this is her house." She paused and continued with a serious tone. "Katie, your mother is my mother."

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