3.The Little Run-in

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"Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been-"

"SHUT UP Rebecca!" Rebecca was wailing her heart out singing 5sos songs all day and I had enough. I was trying to do my homework and this is the respect I got. Some family I have.

At least I had something to look forward to on this glorious Sunday. I was holding a hate club meeting today and we planned on raiding the 5sos fan club, then after that we would go to the concert. You may think that it's kind of childish of us to do, but I thought it sounded like buckets of fun.

But there was a problem. Eugenia most definitely did not want to raid the fan club, and she was planning on telling on us. Like, her dad is a cop. So we had to back down and get ice cream instead. The hate wasn't real.

I must say, Eugenia is quite the weird person. She's always on her phone or reading her stupid textbook. I guess her parents were really hardcore for making her come to every meeting.

At the end of the meeting, Eugenia came up to me. "Hey Katie! I was wondering, you know, since the concert is tonight, that I could ride with you there. My parents really do not want to take me." I said sure. The girl didn't have many friends as it is, and I thought, being the friendly person that I am, that I should befriend this strange girl.

"You know, you can just come home with me and we can get ready for the concert together." She agreed and I drove home with her in the passenger seat. The whole entire car ride she was wheezing. I swear I could feel my left eye twitching.


"So do you want to dress up nice?" Eugenia just shrugged. I didn't know what style she preferred, but she looked about my size. We were both freakishly petite.

Five foot tall for Lyfe!

"Okay, lemme see what I have." I rummaged through my closet and found a pink dress that was strapless with purple lace over the bottom skirt part. I thought she'd like it, since it was pink. "Do you like it?"

She nodded excitedly while stripping down right away. I looked away.

I was not expecting that. Who knew Eugenia would be so gutsy?

"What's your shoe size?" I asked while looking through my shoes. She somehow happened to be the same shoe size as me too. I took out a pair of purple pumps. I hope she could handle those. Jeez, I felt like I was giving a nerd a makeover.

She put them on confidently. Wow, who knew? Then, she surprised me. She took out a contact lenses case and took off her glasses. Going wild I see.

After putting her contacts in, I noticed how pretty she was. She had really bright blue eyes and long brown hair. I guess I never noticed that she had such pretty eyes behind those glasses. Now I have another person's eyes to be jealous of.

"Now all we have to do is put on some makeup and do your hair." I was surprised how much she agreed to do what I told her. I thought that nerds didn't like new looks.

I stole a glance at the clock. Wow! We only had an hour until the concert started. I realized that I hadn't started to get ready myself yet. I left Eugenia to do her own hair and makeup and ran to my closet.

I decided to wear a black dress that was just above my knee and some black Chuck Taylors. Casual yet dressy in a way.

My hair only went to the top of my shoulders so I put the top part back and let the rest flow. I looked in the mirror.

eh. Just your average gal here.

I left the bathroom and found Eugenia looking at my collection of books on my bookshelf.

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