Chapter Thirty-Four

Start from the beginning

"Someone is thirsty." She smirked, licking the new cherry off. I chewed on the side of my cheek as I met her gaze firmly.

"Maybe." Was all I said with a smirk. Valerie's composure was failing as she averted her gaze. However, what happened next through my mood out the window. I watched in shock as the drunk man next to her groped her breast roughly. Valerie yelped in pain, causing me to instantly get off my chair, walking around to his side and yanking his arm off her.

"Hey!" I screamed at the bearded man, gripping his wrist even harder. "Don't fucking touch her!" The man stood, turning the tides on me instantly as he gripped my wrist tightly.

"Tu es canon..." He breathed into my face, forcing me to make a repulsed expression. Grinding my teeth at the fact that he then decided to place his free hand on the small of my back, pulling me dangerously close to him. "Do you want to get out of here?" He cooed, leaning into me.

"Let go of her, Paul." The bartender spoke with a thick French accent. I looked up at the man, not afraid at all, but his grip wasn't loosening. "Don't make me get Tim." She threatened him, holding a bat now. I looked over my shoulder to see that Valerie was gone. 'Are you fucking-' my thought was interrupted though as a beer bottle was smashed over the man's head, causing him to fall to the floor in a heap. I looked down at him in shock before looking to see Val standing behind him with an angered look. I gawked in disbelief at her amazing actions just now.

"Come on," She started as she grabbed my hand, running out of the place. "That was fucked up!" She yelled in anger as we came to the street lined with cars. With my hand still placed in hers, I could tell she was shaking. "What the fuck was his problem?!"

"You just smashed a bottle... over his head." I said in bewilderment. Valerie looked at me for a moment, pulling her hand away.

"Oh my god... I'm going to jail, aren't I?!" Her voice instantly began to panic, "Why did this day suck so much?!" She groaned, digging her fingers in her hair as she turned back towards the bar. "Should I go back in there?"

"You're not going to jail, come on... I want to show you one more place that I love." I said, lacing my fingers with hers. She looked up to me, her mind seeming to be at ease now. "It was one of my mother's favorite places."


"Wow..." She said in awe. I couldn't help the grin that spread over my lips as I watched her bend over to touch the water. "It's breathtaking." She whispered as her fingers were gliding along the surface. I sighed, closing my eyes as I enjoyed the sound of the running water.

"Apparently, back during the French Revolution, thousands of people were beheaded here." I blurted out randomly, causing her to stand upright. She gave me a horrid look, causing me to laugh. I walked closer to her, wrapping my arms around her tightly as we looked at the magnificent fountain. "My mom loved History and she always loved this fountain. Though many lost their lives here, it's still an amazing fountain." I smiled as I looked down at her. Valerie sighed, laying her head on my shoulder.

"So, you come here in honor of her?" She whispered after a few moments of silence. With the water rushing, I almost didn't catch it.

"I guess in a way... yes." I sighed, holding her tighter. Memories of that night tried their hardest to push themselves to the front, but I ignored them. Tonight, wasn't the night to think about that. For once, I wanted happy memories of my mother and sister. "It's harder with my sister though. She was so little when... well, you know..." I frowned, "But sometimes whenever I want to think of her I put on her favorite movie; Beauty and the Beast."

"I love that movie..." She smiled into my neck, wrapping her arms around me tighter. I let out a sad sigh for a moment, "You've never told me their names."

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