What You Like To Do Together

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He likes to read to you while you sit in his lap. You like to just look around and think of how lucky you are to be alive (right now)

You like to just talk with each other. It doesn't matter what you could talk about. You could talk about dirt for all you guys cared. You guys just like to communicate with each other.

You guys like to bake with each other. Lafayette is surprisingly good at it and you have a few tricks up your sleeve too. You guys love to just be in the kitchen with each other and bake.

Turtles. You guys just love hanging out with your turtles. It's basically ALL you guys ever do when together, hang out with your turtles. But that's what you guys love to do. It's part of the reason why you're such a cute couple.

You hold fashion shows. You pick out the most random outfits for each other and model them. You strike funny poses for each other and just share a good giggle here and there.

You and Thomas gossip about celebrities. It's mostly just Thomas gossiping but you do some too and you just like to see him and hear his voice. The way he whispers like somebody might hear makes your knees feel weak and your heart beat faster.

You love to hang out with your dogs. You'll watch movies with them, you'll have picnics with them. Whatever it is, you guys just love to be like a family and hang out with each other.

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