Becoming Friends

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You guys became best friends quickly. You read books with each other and hung out with each other so much.

You first started by getting coffee with each other every other weekend but now you hang out with each other almost everyday.

Right off the bat you guys were best friends. You hung out every other day and had your pet turtles have sleepovers, basically just an excuse for you guys to hang out. You watched TMNT together and started doing everything together.

After the day that you hung out you and the great french fry became best friends. You started to do everything together and hung out everyday.

Hercules Mulligan-
You went to parties together and he made you dresses. You were best friends and took shots together. You were basically inseperable. You confided in the huge teddy bear with everything.

You guys were already best friends.

Charles Lee-
You guys did hang out and you bonded. You ended hanging out with him more and more and quickly became best friends. You would meet up with him at the dog park everyday. Your dogs loved him and his dogs loved you.

(A/N) I love that picture so much. Hope you enjoyed and if you have any ideas or suggestions tell me. I love hearing ideas to inspire me. Some chapter will be longer than others amd some will be shorter, like this one; it depends.  

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