Start from the beginning

Tom goes in the drivers and does the same as me.
The drive was about 20 minutes so I turned the radio on.
"All I want for Christmas is you" was playing so I started singing like an idiot to it.
Tom just started laughing. But he eventually started singing along.

And before we knew it we were at his parents house. Tom parked the car in the driveway.
We got out of the car, I  grabbed the gifts from the back and we went to the front door hand in hand.

(Btw the gifts Tom got for everyone are already at the house under the tree if you were wondering!)

Tom rings the doorbell and smiles, I smile too excited to see his family again, his brothers treated me like their sister and his parents treated me like their own. They keep saying Tom and I were made for each other.

Nikki answers the door and sees us.
"Tom! Y/N! Yay! You came! A little earlier but who cares! You're here!" She says and motions us to come in.
We go in and hug her,
Dom walks out and hugs us too. We place our shoes by the door.

Nikki sees my bag and tells me to put them under the tree. I nod and place them under the tree. It gets a little warm so I take off my jacket and place it on the coat rack. Tom sees my sweater.
Toms eyes widen and his mouth hangs open.
I just giggle and close his mouth then peck him on the lips.

Paddy runs up to me and hugs me and he also does the same to Tom. The twins also come up and gives us hugs.

"Can we decorate the gingerbread men? I have an idea!" Paddy says to me.
"Of course! Lets go!" I say and we walk to the kitchen.

*20 minutes later*

Tom walks in,
"Hey! How's it going?" He asks
"Great! We made the Avengers!" Paddy says
"Yeah! This ones, Thor, There's Captain America, Oh! Here's Black Widow! There's War Machine! There's also the hulk, Scarlet Witch, Vision, and of course there's Spider-Man! Black Panther, Dr. Strange, the guardians of the galaxy! And-!" I say but there's someone missing.

The twins turn and look at me and they're eating gingerbread Ironman.
I glare at them and they run outside, I chase after them. Tom and Paddy are laughing their heads off while Nikki and Dom are just watching. They kept running and I eventually was able to tackle Harry.
"Just apologize and I will get off you." I say
"Fine! I'm sorry." He says and I get off him.
Sam just stands there laughing, he hasn't noticed Harry and I stood up, so I took the opportunity to tackle him as well,

"OK IM SORRY!" He yells and I get off him.

I dust the snow off my gloves and laugh at them. They soon laugh along with me. They head back inside while I look at the snow.

3rd person.
Little did you know thought that Tom took a picture of you in the snow.

Your POV
Tom came outside and kissed me, I kissed back of course. We pulled away and smiled at each other, we went back inside because Nikki was calling us because it was time for the presents.

Nikki and Dom actually got me gifts too. They didn't have to buy they insisted because they said that they loved me and I make Tom happy, and Nikki was excited to shop for a girl.

I opened all my gifts  from Dom and Nikki,
Clothes, makeup, a picture of the whole family and I, and, a cute plush. I thanked them and then Tom gave me his present.

I opened it.
It was a heart necklace that has the words
'I love you to the moon and back'
He knew it was one of my favorite quotes.
" I love it thank you so much Tom." I say an kiss him on the  cheek.
He opened the one I got for him. I got him an Apple Watch.
"Aww Babe, But this Probably coat so much..." He says
"Don't worry about it!" I reply and he kisses me on the cheek.
And like that it was time to go home.
I hugged all of them and thanked them for having us come over.
We drove home and sat by the fire drinking hot cocoa.
"Merry Christmas Love.I love you " He says and we kiss.
We break away,
"Merry Christmas Tom. I love you too." I reply

@Tomholland2013: So lucky to have her in my life

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@Tomholland2013: So lucky to have her in my life. Merry Christmas Y/N, I love you so much.❤️💜💙😘

@Y/U/N: I love you so much to Tom!❤️💜💙😘
@Tomhollandfan: SO CUTEEEE

@hazosterfield: Merry Christmas guys!
@Zendaya: Merry Christmas!
@lauraharrier: Merry Christmas!
@lifeisaloha: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!

@PeterMan: AHHHHH SO CUTE@hazosterfield: Merry Christmas guys!@Zendaya: Merry Christmas!@lauraharrier: Merry Christmas! @lifeisaloha: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!

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@Y/U/N: Spending Christmas with my love @Tomholland2013 I love you so freaking much, Merry Christmas!😍😘❤️💜💙 🐸☔️

@Tomholland2013: Love you Babe!
@Y/S/Nshipper: MY SHIP IS SO CUTE!
@TomHollandlover: AHHHH CUTE

@Tomholland2013: Love you Babe!@Y/S/Nshipper: MY SHIP IS SO CUTE! @TomHollandlover: AHHHH CUTE

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@Tomholland2013: I love you @Y/U/N
All I want for Christmas is you! Love you so freaking much. ❤️💜💙😘 Merry Christmas Everyone!

@Y/U/N: Love you too!
@Zendaya: SO CUTE
@Lifeisaloha: GOALS
@lauraharrier: Awwwww, how cute!
@IlovePeterParker: Merry Christmas! So cute!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Yes I know it's July! 😂
Stay awesome guys and have a great day!
Word count: 1364

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