Introduction pt.1

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Jaden is badass. He made it a point to prove that he doesn't give an actual fuck about girls' feeligs, yet they couldn't keep their eyes off his golden skin and beautiful curls. He was pure temptation.

Jaden had an ear piercing and rode a motorcycle, his mother and his best friend Kyle were the only people he almost always listened to and showed that he loved. His father had left him and his mother after beating her senseless when Jaden was just six years old, leaving him to tend to his broken mother.

*Now eleven going on twelve years later his mother was of course doing fine and has found herself a new boyfriend Jaden actually somewhat respected even though he knew that he wouldn't hesitate to kick his ass if he hurt his mother.

In school Jaden was a player, but with looks like his who could blame him? Whenever anyone started to think he cared he pushed them away. Everybody but his best friends were scared of him, so that's why it came to him as a surprise when not only did a new kid challenge his authority, but a petite, beautiful, sassy, GIRL had wanted to pick a fight with him. Are they going to fall for eachother? Or is she just going to be another girl for him to use?

Well there's only one thing to say. "GAME ON."

A/N This is my first story, I hope you like it. Give feedback and COMMENT and VOTE plz❤️

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