Chapter 31 - Darling

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry Rana, can I take this?" I asked. "It's my parents, and they get mad when I don't pick up."

Rana nodded. "Of course," she said, and continued her lesson.

Stepping outside, I groaned again at the number, and picked up. "Hello, may I know who's talking?"

"It's your mother, Noelle," came the voice from the other end of the line. "I called to see how you were doing."

"I'm fine," I replied, "but I was in the middle of class."

"That's not important. Noelle, I was looking in the news recently and I found an article that rather disturbed me. Apparently there's been many events regarding the diviners of Gondoa, including a demon attack, an explosion, and breaking into someone's house."


"There have even been accusations of a traitor among the group. That sounds very dangerous, Noelle, so your father and I have come to a decision," she continued.

"There's really no decisions to be made," I cut her off. "I am perfectly well here at the school and I trust my teacher and classmates to keep me safe. Those things may have happened, but I was barely involved in any of it."

"The decision has already been made, Noelle. Pack your bags. Your father and I are already on our way," she said. "We don't want you attending that school any more."

At this point, I was angry. So angry, in fact, that I couldn't help but yell. "What the hell?! You can't just do that! I like it here!"

"Language Noelle," my father's voice came through. "There's nothing more to say in this matter. We've already called the school, so all the legal arrangements will be finalized once we reach the city."

"That's stupid! Where will I go to school?!"

"You'll go back to being homeschooled," was the answer. "Or we'll send you to a private school."

I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. "But what about my magic?! There's nowhere else that teaches magic to this level!"

The line was quiet for a moment. "Noelle, your mother and I see it as pointless for you to practice magic; it only puts you in more danger. We will file a request for you to have your powers revoked."

My face was burning and my parents were holding the torch. "I hate you!" I yelled into the phone before I hung up.

I took a few deep breaths to cool off before I walked back into the classroom.

"That was a lot of yelling, Noelle," Rana commented as I stopped in the doorway. "Did something happen?"

I took a look around the classroom. I didn't really fit in with any of my classmates, but I had grown to love them. I couldn't stand the thought of leaving them, so I burst into tears.

Rana was at my side almost instantly. "What's wrong, Noelle?" She was frantically trying to calm me down.

"My parents," I replied between sobs, "want to pull me out of the school."

The room went dead silent. The only sound was of my own crying.

"That's stupid!" Vane yelled. "You're one of us! There's no way we could be a team without you!"

"My parents are going to request for me to have my powers revoked..."

Vane was angry. Everyone sat quietly in their spots except for Vane. "They can't do that! It's your power- you decide whether or not to keep it! Rana won't do it! Will you!?" He looked at Rana, desperate. "You won't do it...will you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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