Chapter 27 - Iron Maiden

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A/N-- Uhhhh just a quick warning, this chapter has a few curse words in it. Make sure your parents aren't reading over your shoulder.

After Class - Tuesday - Garland Mansion: Second Floor
Time: 5:07pm

June 3

Noelle's POV

The Garland mansion was like a maze. Every twist and turn took us deeper inside, progressively getting more impossible to finding our way back. And as if that wasn't difficult enough, each hallway looked the same. Same tiled floor, same red walls, same chandeliers and same brown wooden doors.

It started to feel like we were going in circles until we came across a hall different from the rest. Picture frames hung on the walls as far as the eye could see, each housing a portrait of a Garland family member. It was intresting to see the ancestors of Jin Garland. The oldest picture dated back to the 18th century. My comrades on the other hand, found this humorous.

"Oh my gosh! Look at this ugly painting!" Blaze ran up to a picture of an old woman, her curly, gray hair piled on top of her head in a mountain sized mess.

"It's simply horrifying!" Vane gasped.

"It's dreadfully drab. And look at that dress! The color doesn't suit her complexion at all!" She imitated a british accent.

"Why would she wear such misery!" The disease spread to Vane as he also picked up the british accent.

"It's an insult to fashion!"

"I could just die!" Vane dramatically fainted into my arms.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Stop fooling around you two! This is serious!" I dropped Vane, letting him crash against the floor.

"Ouch! That hurt my rump!"

"Aww, come on Noelle! Don't be such a party pooper," Blaze whined.

"Yeah Noelle, loosen up a bit." Vane helped himself off the floor.

I almost froze his head off, so I wouldn't have to hear him speak, but I realized that he was too tall for me to reach his massive head.

"Do you even realize that our lives are at stake here! If Jin caught us we would surely die!"

"Oh look at this one! It looks like Bruce!" The little red headed freak ignored me, pointing to an overweight, middle-aged man.

"Ugh! And this one seriously needs a makeover. Maybe a few highlights in her hair?" Vane twiddled his fingers above his head.

Blaze ran ahead of him, squealing at the next painting she saw. "A puppy! It must be the family pet! Gosh it's the most cutest thing I've ever seen in my life!"

It was a hamster.

"Now this is an nice painting." Vane, being the idiot that he is, now stood in front of young, teenage girl. Her long blond hair braided to curve down the front of her body. The end of the braid disappearing between her large breasts.
"Hey there beautiful. Would you care to have a picnic with me in the garden? I'll serve us tea and crumpets."

"Are you seriously flirting with a painting right now?!" I asked, exasperatedly.


I signed, drained from talking to people who don't even know the difference between a hamster and a puppy. And for ever meeting the eight foot mound of pure incompetence in front of me.

Footsteps echoed down the hall. We all froze, the room growing silent. The only sound came from the clang of metal against metal. It bounced off the walls creating an eerie feeling in the air. My eyes widened, realizing that we had no where to hide. I started to sweat as I began to lose my composure. "A guard! What are we going to do?!" I frantically whispered.

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