Chapter 10 - Traitor

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No Class Today - Freetime - Saturday - 8 Hours Until Curfew

May 17

Elisia's POV

"You don't have to try so hard.You don't have to give it all away. You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up. You don't have to change a single thing..."

"That's a beautiful song." I said as I walked into the room.

Lucas looked up from his drawing, "...Thanks. How'd you get into my room?"

"Rana sent me to get you. She says she's been texting you but you haven't been reading it. She's called us together for a meeting, but you never came, so I was supposed to see if you were still alive. I knocked, but you never answered, and I saw that your door was unlocked, so I came in."

"Oh, sorry, I didn't hear your knocking."

"It's fine, but you should join the rest of us. Rana seems pretty stressed out, I think it's something important."

"Oh, okay..." He got up, and we walked back to the classroom, and took our seats."

Jasper's POV

"Okay, now that we're all here, we can begin." Our hologram-teacher began, "I have some unpleasant new, I'm sorry, but this is not something that can wait until after the weekend. This is an urgent matter, one which has not taken place in centuries." She paused.

" do you mind getting to the point?" Vane said with an annoyed look on his face, "I'm missing an important meeting in town right now." 

"Vane, this is important. Your lives, and the entire third dimension is at stake here! You want to go to town, by all means, go ahead, but do not, come to me when the world is at its doom. I'm not taking any excuses here, Vane. This is your choice."

Vane rolled his eyes, but didn't leave. Smart choice, I'd say; however, I really can't say anything. I'm no more happy about getting pulled away from my game than he is. I just choose not to complain.

"Getting back to the point, I have some bad news. As you all know, I'm a diviner from the generation before you. As you may not know, the other twelve diviners also help run this part of the school. While I might be the only one who actually teaches you, but all thirteen of us are involved. And you should know, from our lessons, that it isn't uncommon for diviners to get visions of their immediate future, especially when it comes to things that could either positively or negatively impact your distant future, depending on choices you make. This is to help you in situations that could mean the destruction of everything you know. Because you are all fairly new to divination magic, you might not get visions yet. However, one of us old-generation diviners, not going to say who, had a vision. It was blurry, and we can't quite interpret it, but it appears as though there is a traitor among the diviners."

"What?! Who?" Elisia exclaimed, as a low murmur erupted from the class.

"I can't say for sure...or at all." Rana explained, and the room died down, "None of us can. According to the one who got the vision, there is a high possibility that the traitor doesn't even know themselves, of the betrayal that they will commit against the group. I was hesitant to even tell you of our discovery at first, I don't want to worry you, because visions are never one-hundred percent accurate, but it felt wrong to hide the fact that your lives are in danger."

"Well, yeah. If I'm gonna die, I want to know, that way I could make sure that I annoy Blaze enough before it happens." Bruce stated, and earned a glare from Blaze.

"Or you know, you could find a way to not die?" Noelle pointed out a [much smarter] solution to Bruce's problem.

"Yeah, that might work too, for a bit. Until I push him off the roof." Blaze commented.

"Why are you so mean to me?" Bruce groaned.

"Nobody ships Gralu and gets away with it. And besides, you have been my rival ever since you joined the school."

"What?! Why??"

"Your head annoys me."

".....What's that even supposed to mean?!"

"It means you block my vision when you stand in front of me."

I laughed. Blaze was pretty short. Actually, that's not true. She's pretty average height. It's Bruce who's ginormous. He's taller than most of us here, with the exception of Vane, who is taller than Burj Khalifa (That's a sky scraper in Dubai, by the way). Noelle is the shortest one here, but to be fair, she's also the youngest. She turns thirteen on December thirteenth, this year. (It'll be her golden birthday!) She doesn't talk about it much, but she's Noelle; she doesn't talk about anything much. I'm sure she's excited though. Who wouldn't be?

Rana's POV

Well, I was going to ask them to not freak out over the news, and just try to live their lives like normal, but I get the feeling I don't need to.

They will have absolutely no problem with that whatsoever.  I don't even know why I worried.

A/N-- Konnichiwa, Minna-San! Do shite ta no yo?

So, I am not proud of this chapter; it's pretty boring, but I need to get through it so I can get onto the exciting parts of this book. Anyway, unless you are Dixie (Or Hailey, when she finally decides to catch up with this book), you won't know who the traitor is. Haha, sucks to be you.

Dueck-Sama, I forbid you from spoiling the book. 

Anyhizzle, I've been writing for a few hours now, and I'm getting tired of it, meaning "I'm going to write another chapter later today!"

Ugh, my brain sometimes. 

Anyway, I'm out!





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