Chapter 2 - Classtime

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During Class - Classtime - Wednesday - 30 Minutes Until Freetime

May 14

Zephira's POV

We all sat in class. Noelle, Elisia, Marigold, Jasper, and Bruce took up the front row, with Aria, Blaze, Avon, Sachiko, and Lanny behind them. Vane, Lucas and I took up the back row. Class, which starts at 7:00 am, usually has four parts. Instruction time, (7:00-8:00) where we get instructions and see what we're going to be learning about that day, then Practice Time, (8:00-10:00) where we practice our magic. (We used to use the science lab, but ever since the BLAZE-Marigold-Aria-Lanny incident, the lab has been...unusable...) Now we go to the field or to the gym. Then we have Work Time (10:00-1:00, with a 45 minute lunch break at 12:00). During work time, we can choose to do homework, work on the assignment we received that day, redo assignments, read, or finish an unfinished test. After work time, it's Question Time (1:00-3:00), where we just ask questions, and our teacher, who goes by the nickname, "Rana", pronounced Rah-nah, to avoid giving us information that could help us discover what type of diviner she was.

Speaking of Diviners...

"There are only thirteen Diviners in the whole third reality. Diviners are incredibly strong beings, and as we learned earlier, many would strive to capture and steal the power of a diviner. Some Diviners of the past have even attempted to gain the trust of the other Diviners, only to stab them in the back, and steal all their power, in order to gain world domination. They have never been successful, of course, or you wouldn't be here, but it proves how desperate people can be for power, and why you thirteen must be protected at all times, hence why you are at this academy in the first place. That is what makes Diviners so special. Good question, Lucas." Rana turned to the rest of the class, "Any more questions? There isn't a lot of time left until Freetime, so be sure to ask while you can."

Lanny raised his hand, "Why are we called Diviners if we are possibly the least divine people you will ever meet in your lifetime?"

"Bakajanaino!" Aria exclaimed, rather loudly. (It means 'are you stupid?' Or 'you're stupid.' By the way.)

"What? It was a perfectly valid question!"

"You just insulted the entire class!"

"It's true! We somehow managed to blow up the science lab warming up lunch."

Aria was silent for a minute, "Daikirai." (I hate you.)

"Bō ya ishi, Aria-Sama" (sticks and stones, Aria.)

"Guys please, you can speak in foreign languages after class, right now, I have a lesson to teach. As for your question, Lanny, you should know this. You are called Diviners because you each hold one of the thirteen divinations. Okay, that going to be on your test."

Oh right.

[Insert word of choice]

We have a test next week.

Aria's POV

Well it turns out, us, being the great friends we are, completely forgot to tell Noelle that we have a pool.

By the way.

We have a pool.

It's on the far end of the field, there's a gate leading to the pool. We like to hang out there in the summer. Since summer's almost here, and it is abnormally hot here in Gondoa, we decided to go for a swim after class. It's ironic though, we show up at Blaze's room to invite her, and she's just like, "You're asking a fire Mage if she wants to go swimming..." We all expected her to bail on us, but she continued, "...of course I do!"

At The Pool

"What. Did. You. Say?" Blaze's face was red with genuine anger. Bruce laughed.

"I said I ship Gray and Lucy." (Dixie_Awesome_Horse you knew this was coming, didn't you?)

"You. Are. Going. Down." Blaze lunged at Bruce, aiming for is face with her fist.

"GRALU FOR LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE!!!" He screamed as he dived under the water, swimming away as fast as he could.

"Oh no you don't!" Blaze began to subconsciously heat up, and so did the pool.....

...until it was boiling.

"Hot!" Bruce yelled, as everyone who was in the pool, scrambled to get out, meaning me, Bruce, Avon, Zephira, Sachiko, and Noelle.

Then Blaze (who wasn't affected by the heat) realized what she did. "Oh. Oops!"

The water began to cool down. Lanny walked up to the edge. "Well, the water is now safe to drink."

I still don't feel like writing and author's note.

~NinjaUnicorn101 Left The Game~

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