Chapter 17 - Alex And Acorn

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No Class Today - Early In The Morning - Sunday - 20 Hours & 30 Minutes Until Curfew

May 25

Sachiko's POV

After defeating the demon, which has now been added to my collection, we went to help the others with the whole Avon ordeal.

As we were following the other group, we asked many-a-question. Where did you find him? How did you find him? How are we planning on rescuing him?

Apparently he was trapped in a stone hut that has no doors or windows, or any entrance, much less an exit.

No, we aren't sure how the hell his kidnappers managed to get him in there, we're just focused on getting him out.

"How'd you even know he was in there if you couldn't see in?" I asked, not to any particular person. My best friend, who was walking beside me, responded.

"Telepathy." She said. "He said he was in a cold, pitch black room, and he could hear things outside, including your demon-scream. The building itself is very small."

"So, can't you just ask him if there's a way out."

"We're not idiots, Sachi. We've already tried that. He says there isn't any. Besides, even if we tried to ask him for help, it wouldn't work. Almost right after we found him, he was knocked out cold."

"Like you this morning?"

"Exactly." We started laughing.

"Um, I know I've interrupted a lot of people tonight, but I have to remind you that our friend has been kidnapped and we're supposed to be finding him. It's not a great time to be making small talk." Aria said from in front of us. Vane, who was walking behind her (beside me), poked her, and she shrieked. "Vane you jerk!! Don't do that!"

"Jeez Noodle, chill." Vane replied, obviously not caring. "We're almost there."

"Actually, we are there." Lanny stopped short ahead of us, causing Marigold to walk right into him. If you couldn't tell, we're just a huge group of sleep-deprived messes.

In front of us stood what was apparently Avon's prison. Like they said, it was a small stone hut. There didn't appear to be any windows or door, and there wasn't a crack anywhere. The building was obviously very well-maintained. We were in the middle of the woods though, and who in their right mind would build a stone hut without an entrance, in the middle of the woods?

" we're here. Now how do we get him out?" I asked.

"That's what we're trying to figure out," Zephira explained. "We've checked the entire building, and couldn't find anything. We even checked the ground in the area, just in case the entrance is from underground. The only thing we haven't check is the roof."

Everyone turned expectantly to Aria, who sighed. "Fine, but somebody give me a boost; I'm tired."

Lanny and Marigold helped her get into the air, and she flew up to the roof, checking around. She flew behind the building and back to the front.

"There's a trap door on the roof in the back of the building, but it wouldn't open." She landed in front of me, out of breath. Well, who wouldn't be. She had been flying for hours fighting the demon, with only a short break.

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