Chapter 1 - Life In Gondoa

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After Class - Freetime - Tuesday - 6 Hours & 10 Minutes Until Curfew

May 13

Noelle's POV

It was abnormally quiet. We all decided to head back to our dorm instead of to the main school after class. Aria and Lanny sat in the corner listening to music on Aria's iPod. The only sound was Vane and Zephira laughing at Sachiko, who had just been pranked by Bruce, who, of course, had stayed back in class for detention. Blaze, Jasper, and Elisia had all gone to the field to play football, and Lucas sat on the stairs, drawing Marigold and Avon, who looked a little tired, standing still for so long. I continued my normal routine of thinking in silence. I thought about how this group of crazy twats had somehow come together.

I should start at the beginning. We're all what you call Diviners, who are a set of special people with special powers. We are the only thirteen in the world. We all go to Gondoa's School Of Magic And Special Talents. Of course, being the Diviners, we don't go to the same class as the rest. We're considered Elite here. We get our own classroom, of just us, which is taught by a magical hologram of one of the Diviners before us. We don't know what element she has, or anything like that, she just teaches us. Our classes run from seven in the morning until three in the afternoon. Then we get Freetime until our curfew, which is ten o'clock, when we have to be back in our dorm. And yes, we get our own dorm too. It has three floors. The first floor, where we were all seated, had a gym, where we gathered, and a lounge, with the door going into our garden, and another leading to the field, both of which are exclusive to us too. The second floor has the necessities. A kitchen, a medical room, where we get Lanny to treat our wounds with his healing power, a quiet room, where I spend a lot of time reading, a library, which is where we do homework, use computers, and get books. The third floor has all of our bedrooms. 15 bedrooms, one for each of us, plus a few spares. That's also where our showers are, and the main bathrooms. There's bathrooms on each floor, yes, but the big ones are up here. (Before you ask, yes there are separate bathrooms and showers for separate genders.) Anyways, we have to be back in this building by ten, and then lights out is at eleven. Until then, we're allowed to go wherever.

At first, this group only consisted of Aria and Lanny, who came to this school together. Soon after, Elisia and Blaze came to this school, one month apart. Blaze joined first, but wasn't really a part of the group until Elisia joined. Then Lucas came. He, Lanny, and Aria, had been friends until they were about six, when his stepfather had been arrested, for unknown reasons to me. He automatically became part of the group, but he's really quiet. Then Zephira came. She became really good friends with Elisia and Aria, until the rest eventually let her in. Jasper came in that same week, actually, and then Sachiko. By now, the group was already pretty big, eight people, but we needed all thirteen Diviners. After Sachiko came Bruce. This one's a story to remember. He automatically clicked with everyone, and was almost instantly accepted into the group, and just as quickly became the prankster of the school. And constantly in detention for pranking the other, non-diviner children. But when the twins, Marigold and Avon joined the group, he chose to be a prankster. We were all hanging out in this gym, that we're sitting in now, and Marigold and Avon were on separate sides. Bruce had walked in after detention, and saw the opportunity. He walked up to Marigold, and done a 'fake love confession' which had made her angry when she found out it wasn't real and that she had been pranked. But no, then Bruce went and made it worse, by repeating the prank on Avon, pretending to be gay. Avon had a different reaction, more confused than upset. That didn't change Marigold's anger though, so she walked right up behind Bruce and kicked him in a 'certain area' which had made Avon laugh. Like, really hard laughter, which is contagious. Bruce complains about the memory of a room of ten people laughing, and him, on the ground in pain. After that, Marigold cooled down and got over it completely. Had I been there, I might have laughed harder than I do now, but I wasn't. A few months after that incident, Vane joined the party. Well, kind of. He seemed to send a bad vibe to everyone else, but was let into the group after he stopped Blaze from burning the dormitory down, after someone, ahem, Bruce, had insulted her favourite anime. Bruce is the one usually getting us into trouble, obviously.

I was the last one to join the group, a few months ago. Honestly, I don't know how I got into the group. I just went with our schedule, , and now I'm one of them. Well, I'm not complaining, it's better than being homeschooled, trust me.

Each one of us possesses a different power. I have ice, Aria has air, Blaze has fire, Jasper has earth, Avon has water, Marigold has plants, Bruce has time travel, Elisia has electricity, Sachiko has the undead, Zephira has psychic powers, Lanny has healing and knowledge over the body, Lucas has materials, and Vane has manipulation. We all have different uses for our power, but we tend not to go overboard too often.


I don't feel like writing an author's note.

~Ninja, 2016

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