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"None of you understand!" I unconsciously yell at my now small children. I quickly regretted what I screamed out in anger and cover my mouth. I see my kids' faces and the anger I feel quickly disperse only leaving shame and regret I'm my body.

"N-wait I-I didn't mean to-" I try to say but ultimately failed.

"No mother," my second oldest child Hanami puts you her hand. "We know exactly what you mean..." The expression upon her face was filled with rage. Which was justified. "... I'm going to my room." And with that, she left, running to her room ,with my youngest child Arashi in her arms. Both of them had tears in their eyes.

Tears I caused...

I look over to my oldest son and immediately lock eyes with him.

"Shina-chan I...."

His face read not anger. Not sadness. But disappointment. The hole in my heart widen even more looking at him.

His lips moved as if he wanted to say something but decided not to.

"Shina-chan please....say something!" I pleaded with him grabbing him gently by the shoulders. He shook my touch off of him and back away slowly, shaking his head in disbelief.

"You're....you're not my mother. My mother would never say something so insensitive and...and selfish to her own flesh and blood! Let me know when the real Uzumaki Sakura comes back..." He said and with that, he went to go comfort his siblings.

" He said and with that, he went to go comfort his siblings

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I stood there in shock of my actions. How could I do that my family? What came over me in that moment? Anger? Sadness? Grief?

'It doesn't matter!'

No matter what I was feeling, there was no reason to say those things to my kids. They lost just as much as me and yet....

"I'm a selfish piece of shit."

I slide down the wall. I put my knees to my chest and hold my head down in shame.

'How the fuck am I gonna fix this shit?!' I thought. 'Its worse than what I remember...'

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