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"A... Alex..."

John slumped against his dorm room door. Where was he supposed to go? His dorm room was... occupied, and Herc and Laff went out without him. Not to mention the pain that wrapped itself around his chest. Eliza and Alexander dating was one thing, but them- ya know- hurt John on a whole new level. And to think, he was having a great week. He was in a really good mood most of the week, except for sometimes at night.

The darkness always got into John's head. He could no longer sleep at night, so he has resulted to sleeping while he's supposed to be studying. Luckily, his grades were still good. He was still passing, some how.

John stood up and dusted himself off. He walked down the hall a bit to the Schuyler's dorm. He knocked. "Come in," a voice called.

John opened up the door to see a slightly disheveled Angelica. "Peggy isn't here," Angelica mumbled while she wiped tears off her face with her sleeve.

"Are you okay?" John asked, closing the door and rushing to her side.

"I.. I wasn't expecting anyone over," she said, her voice cracking.

"No! No, it's okay. I... I can leave," John suggested, starting to walk out the door. Angelica grabbed his arm.

"Stay," she said. John just nodded and sat down on the couch.


"I'm.. I'm happy for them, ya' know? But... it just... hurts."

John nodded. He understood it completely. "I... I know how you feel. About their relationship." Angelica looked at John, startled.

"You like my sister?" Looks like Peggy can really keep a secret, John thought. He decided it was time. He took a deep breath in and shook his head.

Angelica looked confused for a second. She then whispered, "oh." and grabbed Johns shoulder lightly.

"I.. I like Alexander. I'm.. gay. Heh, it's weird to say that out loud. At least like that," John mumbled, shaking slightly. Angelica pulled John into a hug.

"Who else knows?" she asked.

"Only Peggy and Laff. I'm pretty sure Herc knows too, but I never have officially 'come out' to him."

"Does... Alexander..?" John shook his head.

"I'm guessing he suspects it. But, once again, I haven't officially come out to him yet." Angie nodded.

"Well," she sighed, grabbing a water bottle on the table. She raised the bottle in the air. "To liking Alexander," she said. John grabbed his own water bottle and raised it to the air.

"Yeah," he whispered, "like."


John woke up the next morning to Friends playing on the giant TV the Schuyler's owned. He looked around. The dorm's living room was a mess, popcorn, pillows, blankets, and water bottles littering the floor. He smiled as Angelica peacefully snored on the couch next to him.

He quietly crept out from under two soft blankets and wandered towards the bathroom. The Schuyler's had a bigger dorm, due to their father being governor. John didn't mind it.

When he finished his business, John walked out of the restroom and was created by Angelica. "Good morning," she smiled, while flipping through channels on the TV.

"Morning," John sighed. "I should probably get back to my dorm." Angelica nodded.

"Okay. Text you later?" John gave her a thumbs up and smiled. He grabbed his jacket that had been draped on a plush chair and slipped it on.

"Bye, Angie!"

"Bye Johnny!"

"Haha, don't call me that."

John rushed out of her dorm and made his way back to his own. Luckily, the door was unlocked. John slipped into his dorm. "Hey, John," Alexander chirped, with what seemed to be fake cheer. John just ignored him and whipped out his phone. He climbed onto his bunk. "Where were you last night?"


"Where were you last night?" Alex asked. He was slightly happy John hadn't come back that night as Eliza had barely left earlier that morning. John glared down at Alex.

"Someone's dorm," he answered shortly.


"A girl I know." Alex's heart throbbed at the thought of John being with someone else, but he quickly pushed that feeling aside.


Oh, Lover Boy { LAMS } // College AU // completed Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ