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Hercules, Lafayette, John, and the Schuyler's all crowded around Alexander's dorm. John and Lafayette's hands were loosely intertwined. Herc shot John a quick glare. John laughed. " You know, me and Laff aren't dating. You can have him aaaallll to yourself," he winked, causing the two tall men to blush.

Eliza quickly knocked on the door, shushing everyone in the process. The group waited in anticipation. Everyone wanted to meet the famous Alexander Hamilton, the guy who John and Lafayette talked graciously about.

It took a minute, but soon enough Alexander opened the door. John couldn't help but smile. The boy's luscious black hair was swept up into a handsomely messy ponytail. He was now wearing a deep burgundy colored sweater, and black ripped jeans. Though his eye bags seemed dark and brooding, Alexander's eyes twinkled with joy.

" Hey John!" Alex smiled. John felt his smile widen. His heart fluttered when the boy spoke his name.

" Hello Alexander," John greeted. " Um... these are my friends aka your new hall mates. We, of course, have Laffy taffy-" Lafayette elbowed him- " and this is Hercules." John pointed at the buff man who had his short, curly black hair hidden underneath a beanie. He wore a plain grey t-shirt and black jeans (can y'all tell I like black jeans?).

John gestured behind him. " These are the Schuyler Sisters. This one," he pointed to a relatively short girl in a blue blouse and white jeans, with hair dark as night itself, " is Elizabeth, commonly known as Eliza." Eliza blushed tomato red when Alexander smiled a greeting at her. John noticed this and was slightly bothered, but brushed it off.

" Then we have Peggy," John stated, pointing to a slightly taller girl with curly brown hair that was pulled into a bun. She wore a light yellow dress that had a ribbon tied around the waist. She smiled brightly at Alexander.

" And, of course-"

" Angelica," a tall girl with dark brown hair answered. She wore a light pink muscle tee, that had the words ' I need more coffee' written on it, and regular blue jeans. Alexander smiled at the bunch, seeming to take in all the new names and faces.

" Awesome," he stated. " So, where are we going?"


Peggy pulled John through the door at a regular bar. " C'mon Peggy, you said this would be fun," he whined. Peggy rolled her eyes and smiled at the slightly older boy.

" It WILL get fun, just.... bare with me, yeah?" John sighed and smiled at his younger friend. She squealed and rushed him ant the rest of the group over to a large booth that was near the back corner of the bar.

A waitress walked by, and flirtatiously asked for their orders. John ordered a pint of Sam Adams. He thought of ordering two, maybe three pints, but thought better and decided that one pint of the sweet beer would be enough.

Lafayette had ordered a tequila shot, and Hercules ordered a bit of whisky. The girls all shared a large delicious looking drink, which was called " Ladies Night Out" or something like that. Alexander decided on a small bottle of beer. He seemingly didn't care for alcohol too much.

Alexander and John, who had conveniently been sat next to each other, small talked and chatted about the randomist things. John smiled and listened as Alexander babbled in about something excitedly. Oh, how cute could this Alexander be? John got a fuzzy feeling inside as he 'listened' to, more like started at, Alex.

John's smile faded as Alexander cut himself off. " I... I'm sorry. I.. I get, get kinda carried away some... sometimes," Alexander explained. John frowned.

" No, no. It's okay. Keep going." Alex's face perked up.

" Really?" Alex gasped. John nodded and found himself transfixed on Alex's beautiful chocolate eyes. Alex talked on, John nodding along with everything he said. He was talking about writing. He seemed so damn passionate about it, and John wished hell upon anyone who had told Alex that his blabbering about it was annoying. John learned facts about writing and it's history. But mostly, John learned that Alex's voice sounded so beautiful and sing-songy when he talked about a subject he enjoyed.

" My favorite poem by her is-"

Alex was cut off by Peggy's ringing voice. " Okay, so now that we are pretty drunk," she glanced skeptically at John's barely touched pint of beer, " we are ready tooooooo..... go clubbing!"

Whoops were heard all through the table at the mention of clubbing. John slightly frowned, but soon realized that he could probably spend more time with Alexander. You see, John didn't really like clubs. Something about the sweaty dancing and the drunk girls slurring lyrics to rap music made him cringe. " Lezzz go!" Lafayette cried. The group stood and began walking to the door.


Another chapter!

Okay, I'm really tired, so I'm going to try to head to bed.


Oh, Lover Boy { LAMS } // College AU // completed Where stories live. Discover now