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Alex closed the door right as Thomas walked behind him and snuggled his head into the crook of Alexander's neck. " Who was at the door?"

Alexander knew he shouldn't tell Thomas about John. Thomas always assumes the worst, and will probably think he's cheating on him. " My new hall mates. They were welcoming me."

Thomas smiled into Alexander's neck. He began slowly kissing up against Alex's neck, face, and ear. He nipped at Alex's ear. Alex laughed. " Stop it, Thomas."

Thomas giggled and led Alexander to the couch. He started slowly kissing Alex's mouth. Alexander pushed him off. " Thomas, stop."

Thomas forced Alex on him. " C'mon babe," he grunted. Alexander struggled off his boyfriend and fell to the ground.

" No."

Thomas pouted at Alexander. " Pllleeeease baby," he cried. Alex stood.

" I... I think you should leave," Alexander mumbled. Thomas looked at Alex in confusion.

" What..... what?"

" Please," Alex scratched the back of his neck, " go." Thomas stood and walked to the door, pausing just as he was about to twist the door open.

" Are you... are... are you sure?" he stuttered. Alexander nodded as he sat down on the couch and started blankly at the TV. Thomas breathed in and opened the door, slamming it closed behind him.

Alexander quickly wiped the tears off his cheek. He hated when his boyfriend got like this. It had happened before, more than once. A couple times, Thomas didn't listen as Alex pleaded for him to leave him alone.

Soon, Alex was full on sobbing. He cried into a beige pillow that had been placed carefully on the couch a few hours before. He didn't even try to muffle his cries.



It had been exactly 30 minutes since John had left Alexander's dorm. Currently, John was pacing around his living room, phone in hand. " Laff, do you think I should text him?"

Lafayette shrugged and continued scrolling through Instagram. John sighed and threw himself onto the couch. " You're no help, la chienne."

" I'm just going to ignore that and be proud that you know some French."

" Bleh," John replied, sticking his tongue in Lafayette's face.

" Don't do that unless you want to make out."

John replied with a quiet " Ew." He quickly stuck his tongue back in his mouth and sat up a few inches away from Lafayette. " Soooooo," John smiled, " How's Herc?" Lafayette rolled his eyes.

" For the last time, idiot, we aren't dating."

John scoffed. " You should be." Lafayette stood up and continued to scroll through his feed.

" I'm going to the bathroom. It's the only place in this dorm where I can get away from you."

" Aww, you know you love me," John yelled as Lafayette made his way to the dorm bathroom the two shared. John slouched down onto the couch. He grabbed the remote and flipped through the channels the small TV Lafayette had bought for the two of them had to offer. He landed on Animal Planet. He watched as lions chased around a leaping gazelle, and promptly fell asleep.

John woke up at around 8 o'clock the next morning. Luckily, he didn't have any classes on Wednesdays ( is this how college works? idk). He glanced over at the other side of the couch, where Laff was sleeping peacefully.

There was a quiet knock at the door. John looked in the doors direction before actually standing and opening it. " Hi!" the voice of Peggy Schuyler rang throughout the room.

" Peggy, be quiet!" Eliza hushed.

Angelica smiled at John. " Sorry about her. We have her coffee instead of hot cocoa." John laughed.

" Could you guys keep it down?" Lafayette groaned. John wandered over to Laff and messed with his curly hair.

" Did we wake you?" John asked in a quiet voice, as if he had been talking to a toddler. Lafayette glared up at him and nodded. " Aw, poor baby," John cooed. Lafayette glared at John harder.

" Are you two-"

" No," Lafayette and John yelled at the same time. " So," John turned to the sisters, " what do you need?"


I have decided that Lafayette and John will have one of those friend ships where they do couple-y things but they aren't dating.

So yeah.

Also, most of the chapters will be short

So yeah.


Oh, Lover Boy { LAMS } // College AU // completed Where stories live. Discover now