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Is anybody getting this?

I guess...Link City is pretty. It's sunsets are nice and on the outside it gleams in the sunlight. Link city was created..I show that the world has united and petty differences set aside. This was after the Alien War, where outside invaders brought ships and tech that were millions of years ahead of us homo sapiens. The world has to join up and combine their  technology before we became the alien's slaves. The war apparently lasted a whole century, with millions of casualties on each side.

We only won because......well......a lucky break. The aliens were controlled by a queen, like a nest of ants. This one magnificent fighter pilot, Josh Downer, equipped only with upgraded torpedoes and machine guns, flew his jet into the middle of the whole shitstorm of alien battle ships and gunners and blew up the mother ship. The buggers didn't even stop him, like they couldn't believe he was going to do what he was going to do. 

With the mother ship and the queen destroyed, the aliens just.....kinda.....died. Link City was then created to symbolize the union of the world. But you already know that, reader. I hope.

But even though Link city was built to be great, it's corrupt and filled with evil. I came here in the hope of  starting a new life, away from the old world. But here is even worse. The old world has turned into a toxic area, rubble and mess from the war covered every surface. Link City may not have rubble blocking every street, but it has gangs with futuristic weapons; gravity guns, laser slicers, and ray guns. Monsters that have massive teeth that bite, tear and rip.

This city even has zombies. The zombies prowl and hunt outside the Northern Wall. The gates of Hell, we call them. Outside those walls are creatures more fierce than the monsters within. 

The living nightmares can't climb over the Northern Wall. The government has guards, that shoots any kind of creature that tries to climb in. But the government itself punishes those who wronged them by throwing them over the edge and into the mouths of the hungry flesh-eaters. 

I've witnessed it myself. My sister.........I-I don't want t-to talk about it. 

The most strange thing I've noticed in my time here is the building right in the middle of the city, the Fire building. Fumes come out of that building day after day, month after month. Nobody is allowed in except certain people. 

Those fumes kill anyone it touches. Luckily it doesn't fall to the ground. Sadly, as more smog is built up in the sky, the higher chance it might precipitate. These toxic chemicals rain down on us like acid, burning and melting everything it touches. 

I've seen some people who have tried to break in, but.......I haven't seen them since.

I can only hope for the best and try to forget what happened to them if they were caught.

My transmission time is up. I have to go.

Link Cityحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن