She turned and wrapped herself around Scott. "Please make them look away." She cried "please."

He looked around and saw everyone staring at her, which pissed him off. "Stop staring!" He yelled as he threw his hands up. "Don't you have something better to do?"

The students quickly averted their eyes and scattered around as they tried to make their way to class.

"Let's get you out of here." He whispered, kissing the top of her head and picking her up. "You can come back another day."


"Take deep breaths." Scott rubbed Mona's back as she tried to calm her nerves.

Today was the big day. It was competition and Mona was not ready, not anymore. Her nerves were all over the place and her girls were trying to help her out but no one has been able to do that besides Scott.

"I can't do this."

"Yes you can." He whispered and kissed her forehead "You're Ready."

She looked up at him. Taking a quick glance at his undeniably attractive face before her face flushed and she looked back down. "You think so?"

He watched her lips as she spoke; not being able to wait he leaned down and kissed her. "Absolutely." He spoke with so much confidence it almost convinced her.


"Please give a warm welcome to liberty's high cheer-squad!" The announcers voice boomed through the speakers and she panicked.

"Break a leg." He kissed her cheek before pushing her gently in the direction of her team. "Actually, don't break anything please."

Her teammates were surprised that Mona is doing the routine practically perfect, they didn't think she would walk beyond those curtains.

Mona was happy for a spilt second. She was giving her all into this competition, she's been waiting for this. When she was tossed up in the air and landed perfectly in Sheri and Stacy's hand, she laughed in complete bliss.

She looked to the front row at Jeff's seat and stumbled.

"Gooo Mona!" She heard a male voice call from behind her.

She smiled as she turned around to face her best friend. "Thanks jeff."

"You know competition is two weeks away right?" Jeff asked as he took a seat in front of her on the mat.

"I do." She took a sip of her water and she pushed some fallen hair out of her face. "You'll be there right?"

"Front row." He smiled.

"Better be." She pointed a finger at his face as she stood up. "This has got to be perfect."

"It already is."

"No." She shook her head as she lifted her leg behind her back. "Completely perfect, no flaws at all."

"Mona!" He stood up and grabbed her shoulders. "Breathe. You're going to do amazing."

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