Chapter 22

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It had been a week since I had arrived in America, and I had barely eaten or slept. Most days I spent pacing the large hotel room, praying for Jeremy. I had been notified three days ago that he and several other agents were in the process of bombing warehouses all across North Korea. Nothing had come in since. Laying on my back in bed and stroking my stomach, I turned the TV on and changed the channel to the news.
I wasn't really paying attention, but when I read the headline, I sat up.
“... bombing attempts in North Korea succeeded, thanks to several men and women, young and old, who risked everything for our safety.”The President of the Association was shown.
“Our agents have worked tirelessly to bring security to our great nation. It is because of these brave men and women….”But I turned the TV off. I stood and angrily paced, muttering to myself.
“So the whole world is told of the success before an actual agent?! I'm beginning to see why Marshal left.”I shook my head incredulously.
I jumped when there was a knock on my door. I walked swiftly to it and looked through the peephole. A man in a black suit stood there, looking at his watch. He looked oddly familiar.
“Who’s there?”I asked timidly.
“Will Hardy, Ma'am. I'm here to escort you to the headquarters.”Was the muffled response.
“Just a second.”I called as I grabbed my purse and a handgun. I stuffed my gun in my purse, along with some extra ammo, and then opened the door.
“Come on.”Hardy ordered. I raised an eyebrow, but followed him outside the building and into a black car. There was a driver, also in a black suit, and one other agent. I remembered her as one of the President’s body guards.
  I put my hand into my purse, ready to defend myself in a moments notice. Though they were agents, I had learned not to trust anybody. The only reason I was following them, was because they could have info about Jeremy.
We did, in fact, end up at HQ, and I was lead through the huge building to a small room.
It looked exactly the same as the other room I had been led to last time. I pursed my lips at the recollection.
The president was in the same spot as previously and motioned for me to sit.
“Mrs. Henryson, please, have a seat.”
I did, then, unable to wait any longer, asked,
“You have news on Jeremy?”
He raised an eyebrow, but nodded. I was on the edge of my seat.
And...?”I prodded.
“He is alive.”I sighed with relief, putting a hand on my stomach subconsciously.
“Uh, but…”He interrupted me abruptly. I looked at him sternly.
“But what?”I urged. He sighed.
“He is currently… immovable.”I pursed my lips and scowled.
“Sir, I would ask that you get to the point. I've been waiting for days and am tired of receiving little to no information.”He blinked but complied.
“Fine.”He replied, as if he was the annoyed one.
“Your husband was injured while attempting to bomb a Korean Nuclear storage facility in Pyongyang.  He is currently unable to be moved, but upon his recovery, he will swiftly be transported here.”My brow furrowed worriedly.
“How badly is he injured?”I asked, slightly afraid of what he might say.
“He had several minor bullet wounds, but his major disability is a bullet wound in the upper thigh.”I sat back in my seat.
“H-How long until he is well enough to travel?” I stuttered, trying to maintain composure. The longer Jeremy was in Korea, the more safety evaded him.
“He will be on his way within two weeks. Knowing Jeremy, he'll be here sooner than that.”
I nodded.
“Mrs. Henryson,”He hesitated once more.”We also received word that his parents were both... killed.”
“His parents?”I asked. He nodded.
“His mother was being held captive. They found her, but Marshal and Carol died soon after reuniting.”
I took several slow, deep breaths.
Oh, God be with my husband!I cried inwardly as tears filled my eyes, grieving for Jeremy and his parents.
Standing, I absentmindedly walked towards the door. He followed.
“Mrs. Henryson, I assure you we do the best we can, but-”
“I'm sure you do.”I interrupted him quietly, walking out of the room. Hardy avoided eye contact and was more laconic than ever. He escorted me back to the hotel, where I finally sat on my bed a wept with my head in my hands.
I woke up in a bed. I looked around, trying to focus on something until my vision cleared.
Moaning, I sat up.
“What the-”Somehow, I was in the Holloway's guest room. I looked beside me, hoping Jay would be asleep by my side, but my heart sank. No, she wasn't here. Somehow, I had known she wouldn’t.
Then another question arose.
How did I get here?
I cautiously turned in bed and swung my legs over the side. My left leg was stiff with a bandage wrapped around it. I wore a pair of Drake’s jeans.
Everything came flooding back. I put a hand to my forehead.
“No!”I muttered as I relived the nightmare. Tears fell down my cheeks unashamedly. 
“Oh, God. Why did they have to die?”I lowered myself to my knees painfully, and prayed for strength and mourning silently.
  After a while, I stood, wincing, and limped out of the room. I somehow stumbled down the stairs and when I entered the living room, I saw Zeke, Drake, Molly, and Cloe, all with huge bags under their eyes and worry streaked faces. They all seemed caught in their own thoughts. I took a few more wobbly steps and they all looked up and gasped.
“Jeremy!”A chorus of voices cried. I was surrounded at once and lectured by Molly.
“You should not be out of bed, young man! Come sit down.”She chided, getting Zeke and Drake to help me to the couch. I shook my head.
“I've gotta get back to Jay.”I replied groggily. I tried to sound stubborn, but my voice betrayed the exhaustion that weighed me down.
“Jay wants you home safe. You are in no shape to travel. Now you sit there, while I fix you something to eat.”Molly fussed. I complied.

💮Author's note💮
Oh gosh! I'm so happy! Next chapter is the final chapter before the epilogue!!! Chapter 23 will be pretty short. I only made it separate because it's the best!

Thank you all for reading!!! I love you and God bless!❤❤❤

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