Chapter 14

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In my car I was going as fast as the law would allow in downtown Pyongyang, North Korea, which was not fast. I gripped the wheel so tight my knuckles turned white.
Lord, please keep her safe! Was my repetitive thought. I came around a corner and stopped. Was I dreaming, or was Zeke in the car I just passed? If so… he was as alone. I whipped the car around and followed. And sure enough he pulled into the Holloway's driveway. I parked besides him and jumped out of the car. Rushing towards the car next to mine, I looked and found only Zeke. He was pale and breathing hard.
“Zeke, where is Jay?”I asked sternly. He didn't answer.
“Zeke!” I yelled.
He looked at me slowly and shook his head breathing out shakily.
He walked into the house. I followed.
“Allan, is my wife alive?” I asked, seething, grabbing his shirt. He still hadn’t found his voice. He just nodded. I followed him inside.
“Mr. Holloway!” I yelled desperately. He came from his room looking worried. He looked around.
“Where is Jay?” He asked.
“That's a good question.” I replied looking at Zeke accusingly. Finally, he found his voice.
“We- we were about to leave. B-b-but at least a dozen gunmen c-came around the corner. She told me to leave. I-I tried to argue, but she wouldn't hear it.” I stiffened.
“You left… you left an eighteen year old girl to fight twelve gunmen... alone!” I was so mad I could barely speak.
“I didn't have a choice!” He defended.
I took deep breaths and restrained myself from killing the man where he stood. I turned stiffly towards Drake.
“I'm going to get her.” I was about to walk out the door, but Drake stopped me.
“You wouldn't have a chance, now listen to me. Calm down.”
Calm down? This is as calm as I can possibly get at the moment. I am trying my hardest to not kill him right now.” I pointed at Zeke. His jaw dropped.
“Hey, it wasn't my fau-” Zeke started, but Drake glared at him, shutting him up. Then he looked at me.
“Look, I know you're scared for your wife-” Drake began, but I interrupted.
“No. No, you have no idea what this is like. This is more than just being scared. This is every emotion other than happy, sane, and calm swirling around inside of me. I can't just sit here while my pregnant wife is in the murderous hands of the North Korean government!”
Drake looked at me and grabbed my shoulders tightly.
Jeremy! I know! Ok, I know! But going insane won't help her! Now sit down and take a breather. That is an order.” I took a deep breath and sat stiffly on the couch.
“There has to be something I can do. I can't just sit around and hope that my wife and baby are safe. I can't let what happened to my parents happen to them.”I croaked, putting my head in my hands. Drake sighed and thought a moment.
“We have enough info now, that we can contact the President and maybe, he will send more agents to help. To get Jay out of there alive, we may have to bring some troops in.”
I took a deep breath.
“If they find out that troops are at their doorstep they'll kill her.” I stood.
“I need to be alone for a while.” I walked towards the stairway. Everyone watched my usually confident stride turn to scared and uncertain steps. My shoulders sagged and my head was in my hands.
   Just as I made it to the steps, Cloe came out of her room.
“Hey, Jeremy.” She grumbled. But when she saw tears in my eyes she stopped.
“Jay?” She whispered. All I could do was nod and keep walking.
I opened the door and closed it gently behind me.  I prayed with all my heart.
“Oh, Lord! Help her! Please don't let them take her from me!” I fell to my knees and wept. My shoulders shook and my gut ached. As I sat there weeping all I could say was please, Lord. I didn't know what I would do without her. She was all I had. She had my name, and my child… and my love.
“Please, Lord, she's all I have left!”


I woke up to a bright light in my face and squinted my eyes as I tried to filter out the brightness.
My stomach hurt more than ever and I ached all over.
“Oh!” I cried. I tried to put a hand to my stomach, but as I started to move, I realized that my hands were chained to the dark, gray wall.
Then I remembered.
  I was captured. But before I was I- I still had my watch in my mouth.
  I groaned. Some good that did me, having my hands chained. In anger I spit it out. It landed in the far corner to my right.
  I pulled and yanked, and finally, after several minutes, the rusty, unused chains budged slightly.
“Yes.” I whispered triumphantly. I kept pulling, but stopped struggling when I heard footsteps.
“Oh. You're awake! I am so glad.”
  I heard a familiar voice.  A man stepped into the light.
“You!” I growled.
“Yes, it is I. You know, when I heard a young American was here I was so excited. I had hoped it would be your husband...I owe him a small favor. But with you here I have no doubt your husband will be here shortly.”
  I scowled.
“You lost, Pommel. We have all the info we need to destroy North Korea's bomb assemblage.”
He smiled viciously.
“That may be. But I have a certain young woman in my clutches. No one would dare try to blow this place up. So as long as you're alive,  we prosper.”He chuckled.
"We could even kill you and make them think you were alive!"I gave him a disgusted glare as he laughed and left the room.
I looked around. I was forced to stand because my arms were chained and my legs as well. The smell was awful, and there was nothing in the cell except me and what I thought to be a dead rat.
  I cringed.
  I missed Jeremy. I found myself longing for his arms around me. I let the tears fall down my face, as I continued to pull on the chains. All the noise that could be heard was the slow drops of my tears splashing on the hard, cold, concrete floor and my grunts from strain.
I prayed as I sobbed uncontrollably.  Please, God. Get me out of here. Bring Jeremy to me. Bring someone to save me. Give me your strength. I need You, Lord.
Minutes felt like hours to me, as I sat on my knees crying for help from God.
Who knows what will happen to me?  
Then I got a hold of myself.
Ok, don’t tell yourself that. No more bad thoughts. Jeremy will save me. I would get out of here. I will see Jeremy again.

I sped through Pyongyang, hoping to reach the warehouse in time. Drake had already called in backup and a plane carrying thirty American soldiers was on its way from an international base in Italy. It was expected to touch down just minutes before I reached the warehouse. I sped through traffic, no longer fighting the panic I felt rising. My wife and baby were in danger, and I would do everything in my power to get them home again.

💮Author's note💮
Omgosh!😨 I almost cried when I wrote the part where Jer found out Jay was captured!😭I love how determined Jer is tho! He'll stop at nothing to save his family.
  In this chapter, I reminded y'all that Jay is only 18 and Jeremy about to turn 19. They are so young to be going through this stuff! I mean nobody should go through that stuff let alone teenagers! 
The point of this book is to show that God is in control and that you can trust Him. He has plans for you, plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). God will be there to help you through your struggles! Isn't that amazing!?😄😄😄
  Anyway, thanks for reading!!!! I love you all and God bless!❤❤❤😘😘😘

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