Chapter 3

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The next few weeks were strenuous for Jeremy and me- and my parents. My mom was almost always on the verge of tears and it pained me. My dad put on and strong front, but behind the facade, I knew he was hurting just as much- if not more than- my mother.
  I wasn't told much about what the plan was. Just that I would be getting married for our protection, and would be working with the NKNA (North Korean Nuclear Association). Basically, I was a double agent.
   Jeremy and I had to get over the awkward moments, and get to know each other.  I also had to train. A lot! I had to be capable of self defense as well as offensive maneuvers. I had to learn the codes for any type of problem. I also had to work out. A lot. Let's just say I hated getting up at five in the morning to work out. It made it easier when Jeremy was available to work out with me. He'd use his phone and play songs like I’ll Make A Man Out of You from the Disney movie Mulan. I found that funny, which didn't help my pull-ups.
   Jeremy and I also tried our best to be honest with each other. We had both grown up being taught that communication is the key to any relationship. Sometimes that could be hard. But we did the best that we could.
We had planned our wedding in one month, which gave me hardly any time to plan and prepare. I had no idea it would be so hard to plan a wedding, let alone work out every morning, memorize ten new codes every day, and learn self defense and offense.  
Thankfully, the government would pay for all of the expenses, from my wedding dress to our rings.
I was still getting used to the idea that I was going to get married. As the wedding day approached I got more and more nervous. I hated going in front of a lot of people, let alone kissing someone in front of hundreds of strangers! And I couldn’t have any of my friends there for their own safety.
  It was supposed to look like we are actually in love.  Anyone could be spying on us at any time. It's important that no one in my family is seen with Jeremy. Except me of course.
When we are in public we have to act as if we're falling in love. It's not that I don't like Jeremy. I wrote in my journal. He's one of my closest friends now that I've gotten to know him, but I don't think I'm ready for marriage. I know everything turns out good for those who love God. I just don't how this could bring good.


“All right, Doll. You’re ready.”
My hairdresser and the head of the disguise department for the Association, Jenny, said, calling me by the nickname she had given me.
I turned and looked in the mirror. The top part of my hair was pulled into a mini ponytail, and my hair was curled to regal perfection.
It had taken three hours, yes, three, to do my makeup, hair, and get into my dress. My breathing began to increase again. Jenny was a sweet lady, but not even she could calm me down.
   I wouldn't be able to recognize my parents in the crowd. I was told someone else would walk me down the aisle. The whole thing was nerve-wracking.  I tried to calm myself down, if I started crying, my makeup would be messed up. Jenny grabbed a magazine and fanned my face.
“It's gonna to be all right, ya hear?”
I tried my bravest smile. It turned out to be  crooked and eventually wasn't a smile any more.
“I don't think I can do this, Jenny,” I whimpered trembling. She smiled and shook her head.
“If anyone can do it, you can. You are the strongest, bravest girl I've ever met.”
I was about to shake my head, but someone knocked on the door.
“Come in,” Jenny and I called simultaneously. 
“Ah, there's the groom!” Jenny cheered as Jeremy walked in. “I'll just leave you two alone.”
She walked out, leaving us to talk. He came and sat down next to me on the chair that was pulled up to the small wooden table. He looked me in the eyes. His presence calmed me.
“You OK?” He asked. I appreciated his sincerity. I sighed softly.
“I will be. You?”
He looked away.
“I don't know. We're both pretty young to be getting married.”
I nodded. That was for certain.
“You know,” He looked back at me.”You're giving up a lot for me. I am not so much scared, though that is a large part of it I admit, but I feel more... guilty.”
He rubbed his head. Shock coursed through me.
“Jeremy! Don't ever feel guilty. I know this is what God wants. Neither of us had a choice.”
I reached for his hand.
“Plus, I've always wanted to be a spy.”
Jeremy choked out a laugh. We hugged each other then Jeremy pulled away, looking serious.
“This wedding could end in disaster if we aren't careful. There could be people spying anywhere. That being said...”
He paused and pulled something out of a pocket on the inside of his tux.
“You may need this.”
He handed me a black .45 pistol. I had been taught how to load and shoot any gun, but I didn't think I'd need one at my own wedding. I gaped up at him.
“You really think that could happen?”
He looked away.
“I don't know what could happen. I just won't take the chance of being caught weaponless. There is a pocket in your dress that you can put it in.”
Suddenly, there came a knock at the door. Someone yelled through the door, “It's time.” We looked at each other, our uncertainty and our doubts still reflecting in each other's eyes. He stood and gave me his arm.
“Ready?” I pasted on a look of determination.
“As ready as I'll ever be.”

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