Chapter 10

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Why the Association was sending us out on another mission just a week after Jeremy got shot,  I didn't understand. I tried to convince him to stay behind but he insisted on coming with me.
Since the NKNA know we're watching them, field missions have become increasingly more dangerous, not just for us, but for other agents as well.
The Association wanted us to see how much had changed because of our being spotted. It would be even more dangerous than last time Jeremy went, that's why he refused to stay behind.
The night before we were to go to the warehouse Jeremy gave me a lecture.
Really Jer, this is quite ironic considering you were the one nearly killed last time. But of course I didn't voice my thoughts. Instead I climbed into the bed beside him and laid my head on his uninjured shoulder. He lay in bed to my right talking firmly.
“Remember, it is strictly observation. We do nothing but watch.” I laughed quietly.
“We go through this every time!”
He smiled, “It’s only because I love you.” He kissed my nose. I blushed and smiled.
“I know.”


We woke up early and made our own breakfast, hoping to avoid traffic. Also we had to put on a disguise.
  Jeremy wore a long wig with wavy, dirty blonde hair that went to his shoulders and then put in removable dye on his eyebrows. I laughed, when he put in a mouth device that changed his handsome face and made his teeth very crooked and yellow. He smiled, showing his teeth which made me laugh even harder. He also put in contacts that changed his beautiful blue eyes to a light brown.
I put on a very light blonde wig that was almost white and as straight as a pencil. I dyed my eyebrows and put in contacts to make my eyes green. Then I put a mouth device in that made me have braces and an expander. I looked in the mirror. My own mother wouldn’t recognize me. We finished quickly and were ready for stage two.
We drove to the market first, walked around, then got back in the car. We wanted to make sure no one followed us.
We made it to the warehouse and casually stepped out of the car, subtly looking around. We scanned the entrance for guards, but there were none. We walked up and saw why. There was a number code, a fingerprint scanner, and a card swipe.
  I wondered how they had installed all that in only one week. We couldn't get in. Well, we got some information: they hopped up their security to the max.
Jeremy  took my hand and pulled me away from the door.
“Come on, Honey. This must be the wrong place.” He said, using a Russian accent. I nodded. I had asked him why he wanted to be Russian and he had only shrugged and said it was the first thing that popped into his mind.
“I don't think we'll ever find your dad's work!” I complained dramatically, like a valley girl.
  We walked back to the car but were stopped by a black haired man with a suit and tie. He had a scar on his right cheek and was tall and scrawny.
“What you do here?” He asked with a Korean accent.
“Uh, I don't know.” I retorted. “We’re totally lost and you aren't helping. Now I’m starting to sweat and it’s messing up my makeup. So move!” I fanned my face dramatically with my hand.
The man was surprised at my attitude, but his surprise quickly turned to anger.
“You get in car while you still breath!” He yelled.
I huffed.
“Gladly!” I spat. We got in our car. As I opened the door, I muttered just loud enough for the man to here,
”Some people!” The man stiffened and turned cursing under his breath. 
Jeremy laughed.
“That was awesome!” He said.
“Of course it was!” I answered casually, pretending to fix my hair. We both laughed.


When we returned home I took my disguise off and went to help Molly with dinner. Jeremy had been in our room washing the dye out of his eyebrows, so I left him alone.
“Jay! Could you come here a sec?”I heard him yell from our room. He sounded frustrated but was trying to hide it. I raised an eyebrow, and walked up the stairs, telling Molly I'd be back.
“Jer, is everything ok-” I asked walking into our room. I stopped walking when I saw his annoyed face. His wig was on the bathroom counter, but his eyebrows were still blonde,  a major contrast to his dark black hair. 
“No. No, everything's not okay! My eyebrows are still dyed!” He said, pointing at his eyebrows frustrated. I laughed harder than I had in a long time. He stood there, arms crossed, with a frown.
“You done yet?”He asked impatiently.
I nodded, trying to stop laughing. I succeeded… For a moment… then giggled and grabbed some shampoo from the shower. I pulled a stool in front of him to step on so I could stand at eye level with him. 
I yelled down to Molly.
“Molly, we may be a while. Go ahead and start dinner without us.” I could hardly get that out without laughing.
  I finally regained composure and began helping Jeremy.
Poor Jer stood in front of me, with his jaw clenched. I rubbed and rubbed until after half an hour I had finally gotten all of the dye out. The skin around his eyebrows was red and he winced when I rinsed them off gently with a clean, wet rag. I giggled again and said officially,
”Your eyebrows are now black again.”
He growled.
“Thank you! That is the last time I use ‘removable’ hair dye.” He complained. I laughed and kissed his cheek.
“You're welcome!” I was walking away when he called out to me.
"Hey! I think I deserve more than a peck for what I've been through."It tried to hold back a giggle at his whining.
"Sorry, Babe. You whine too much!"With that, I flashed him a sickeningly sweet smile before turning again and heading downstairs. I heard him running after me and tried to rush down the stairs of our bedroom but he grabbed my waist and carried me back to our room. I mocked a sigh.
"Jer, I'm hungry!"I whined as he set me down on my feet. He kissed my nose.
"Who's whining now?"He whispered, his face less than an inch from mine. My gaze went to his lips. He must have seen it because he smiled and kissed me. My fingers sifted into his hair while he pulled me closer and undid my pony tail, running his hands through my hair. I sighed when we parted. He smiled, taking deep breaths to catch his breath.
"Do you feel better, Eyebrows?"I asked teasingly. He ignored and pecked my lips again.
He grabbed my hand and we walked downstairs to join the Holloway's, who had started dinner already. We didn't say anything about the eyebrows incident.


A month later, Jeremy and I lay in bed thinking quietly to ourselves. He had his arm around my waist. I leaned into his shoulder. We were quiet for a whole minute, then I giggled.
“What?”He asked. 
“Do you remember the first night we spent here?”I asked in between giggles.  He showed a thoughtful look.
“When you kicked me?” He asked,  his eyes sparkled.
“No, when you fell out of bed!” I laughed again. He tried to maintain a straight face,  but couldn't.
“Yeah,  I remember.” He chuckled.
"But you cant blame me. It was all new."I nodded. It became quiet again.
I became serious, a thought developing.
“Jeremy, what will we do if we finish this job?” I asked. He noted the if.
“You mean when we finish this mission. I don't know. I wanted to stay in the association till I died or retired. But then I got married and fell in love.” He smiled and got a distant look in his eyes.
“I don't know how to live a normal life anymore. I mean, my birth parents were always on a mission. I was always in school doing dual credits to become a spy. When they died my whole world turned upside down. I became a spy at seventeen, after two years of constant study. I don't know.” He finished. He sounded scared. I nuzzled his chest.
“I know that when this is over we'll be together. And that's all I need.” I told him. He smiled at my encouragement and kissed my forehead.


The next morning, I woke suddenly. It was still dark outside, so I stayed in bed, hoping I wouldn’t wake Jay. I began thinking about the lock pads on the warehouse doors. The Association hadn't figure out how we'd get in yet.
“If only there was some way to open that up without being found out.” I muttered to myself. I contemplated any way we could get through the heavy doors.
I went from dynamite, to jumping someone who worked there. I winced at the dynamite idea. And jumping them would not be a good idea.
Jay stirred.
She rubbed her eyes, opening them slightly. “What are you doing up?” She asked, seeing it was still dark out. She leaned forward to look at the clock on the desk next to my side of the bed.
“Three thirty!” She exclaimed.
   I nodded.
“I can't stop thinking about how we're gonna get into the warehouse.” I shook my head.
“You should get some sleep.” She said.
“I know. I tried, but once I woke up, I couldn't fall back to sleep.” She sat up, but stopped. Her eyes widened and she put her hand to her forehead. I gave her hers confused look, but she just waved it off and sat up further.
“No, you should go back to sleep.” I told her, afraid she was coming down with something. She had been tired lately.
   She shook her head.
“If you can't sleep, I can't sleep.” She said.
She thought a moment,
“If only you could hack into the human brain as easily as you could a machine. It would take serious machinery, and a very strong battery. Sadly, studies show that if you tried to hack into a person's brain they'd go insane, or it would explode,” she said. My eyes lit up.
“That's it!” I hissed excitedly.
“What?"Jay asked incredulously.
"I said if you tried to hack into someone's brain, it could explode.” 
“No, not that. I didn't get most of what you said, but you said hacking into machinery was simple.” I explained.
“It is.” She began looking confused. “Aaaaand I could hack into their system and let us into their files!” She finished enthusiastically.
  I nodded.
“Now can you try to get some sleep?” She asked yawning, as if I were the one keeping us awake.

💮Author's note💮
Soooooo, what d'ya think??? These next few chapters are my favs! I hope y'all're enjoying my book!

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Love you all!!! God bless!😄

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