Chapter 5

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I tossed a look back over my shoulder. I wasn't being followed yet. A subtle smile spread across my face as I thought of how easy it had been to get inside the warehouse. With my dark hair and tanned skin, I fit right along with the others I came across.
   The warehouse most definitely being used to store weapons. I didn't have all the specifics yet,  but next mission I would.
   I had smiled and said all the right things that wouldn't be remembered. I had kept a low profile and gotten the information the Association needed. Now I was heading home. As I came closer to the town house I became more wary. I watched the shadows and picked up my pace. It had been a stupidly dangerous move to go in alone, but I wouldn't risk Jay's safety.
I finally came to the front step of the cramped house and pulled out a key that Drake had given me.
We change the locks every three months, or if we have a new threat. We just changed them yesterday, knowing that you and your young wife were headed this way.”


I paced the room I had just rearranged and mumbled to myself.
“Oh, it's already five forty. Where is he? He should be here. I should have asked him how long he would be.” I continued pacing. Cloe opened the door and barged in. Though this was her house, I find it annoying to have someone barge in on me while I'm worrying.
Cloe interrupted me.
“What are you doing?” She asked accusingly. I jumped at her voice.
“Oh, I didn't hear you come i-”
“Yeah, I don't care. You're supposed to be helping my mother with dinner.”
I was startled by her rudeness.
“Hello. Did you not hear me? Go help my mom make dinner!” She ordered loudly. I walked passed her, ignoring the temptation to scowl and retort. I walked down the stairs and turned toward the kitchen. Cloe came after me, but instead of turning right, toward the kitchen, she went left, into her room and closed the door. I growled inwardly and went to help with dinner.


It still felt odd to hear Jay addressed as my ‘young  wife’. Odder yet to realize that I was no longer a bachelor. And young was definitely an accurate description of her. Young and beautiful and innocent. My jaw clenched. Though I was only a year older than her, I felt an overwhelming responsibility to protect her. She didn't understand just how dangerous the world was. How could she? She was so shielded from the world for most of her life. She was just now glimpsing at how lethal man's sinful nature was.
I shook the thoughts away from me. I pressed the key into the lock and opened the door. The spiciness of an unknown spice coated the air and made my mouth water. I wandered into the kitchen, suddenly hungry. Jay stood near the oven, stirring some sort of sauce as she spoke to Mrs. Holloway.
“Do you ever get used to them being away?”
It wasn't hard to figure out what they were discussing. I moved back out of the doorway and continued to listen. The older woman sighed softly.
“I don't think so. I know I never have. Every time my Drake leaves on business I pray he'll get home swiftly and safely. Thank the good Lord we didn't have that kind of stress on us as newlyweds.”
I could imagine the heat staining Jay's cheeks at that last comment. It wasn't hard, seeing as I felt the heat rising from my neck. Newlywed. I sucked in a deep breath and regained control of my thoughts and stepped into the kitchen.
Hmm… whatever you guys are making, it smells good.”
Jay jumped at the sound of my voice and whirled to face me.
“You're back!”She exclaimed in a sigh of relief.
She closed the distance between us but stopped in front of me, awkwardly looking up at me. I suppressed a chuckled and  wrapped my arms around her. I smiled and pulled her closer. Yes, I was back and she was safe and all was well.
I pressed a kiss to her cheek and smiled at the blush that rose to her face as she turned back to her cooking.
Molly smiled knowingly.
“You got here just in time. Dinner's almost ready.”
I smiled in greeting at Mrs. Holloway.
“I'll just run upstairs and freshen up. I'll be back in a few minutes.”
I jogged up the stairs and opened the door to the room Jay and I would continue to share. Last night had been awkward. Would it be worse tonight? Would it eventually get better?
  Somehow the room seemed more spacious. Suddenly it hit me. Everything was put in its new place. The room seemed more homey. Jay must have spent a few hours up here making it into a livable, if cramped, space. I'd have to remember to thank her for the work she did when we had a moment alone.
I found our shirts hung in the small closet, and our suitcases leaned against the left wall. I opened a dresser drawer and found the jeans I had brought with me and pulled out the first pair. I quickly finished changing and jogged downstairs. Jay appeared in my line of sight and I stopped to watch her. Her brown hair was gathered on top of her head in a messy bun. A few stray wisps fell in her face and she swatted them away. As she walked her narrow hips swayed subtly, I stood fixed to the spot, watching her with a small smile.
I jumped when I felt a touch on my shoulder.
“My mom sent me to tell you that dinner is ready.”
Cloe batted her eyes and leaned a little closer towards me.
Obviously. I thought rolling my eyes mentally. I fought the urge to smack her hand away.
“Thanks.” I muttered nodding, walking faster to get away from her uncomfortable touch. I walked over to the table and quickly sat next to Jay. A dejected Cloe followed and sat next to me. I slumped slightly in my chair and subtly scooted closer to Jay.  Drake led us in prayer then we dug in. A series of hmms and yums echoed.
  Suddenly, Cloe screamed and pointed at the door in the kitchen that led to the tiny backyard. We all jumped and Drake pulled out a handgun. He swung it towards where she was pointing.
“It’s a… It’s a… m-m- MOUSE!” She cried. Kitty, the Holloway’s cat, walked into the the room, blood dripping off her paws and out of her mouth, with a dead mouse in her clutches. Jay and I struggled to contain laughter. Drake sighed and concealed his gun, shaking his head.
Cloe’s parents somehow managed to keep a straight face, whereas Cloe looked as if about to barf.
  Jay walked over and shooed the cat back outside and locked the doggy door. She grabbed a wet paper towel, and began cleaning up the mess.
“Thank you, dear.” Molly said smiling.
Jay nodded.
Cloe scowled at Jay’s calm demeanor and scooted her chair to leave.
“I'm not hungry.” She murmured as she walked to her room.
We finished eating, striving not to look at each other, in fear we might burst out laughing.


When we finally walked into our room, we both laughed for the first time since being married. It felt good. We sat up talking for quite a while.
“So, what did you learn?” Jay asked me. She sat on the edge of the bed and looked up at me.
“How was work today?”
Her words brought a smile to my face. The way she phrased her question made it seem as if we were a normal family with normal jobs. My smile dimmed. That wasn't the case, however. Our line of work was unpredictable, unsafe, and most of the time, deadly. I sat next to her and started to describe what had happened.
“It was a pretty easy day. I managed to get into four storage rooms and get pictures of several weapons that were stored there. There were machine guns, hand grenades, missiles, and a few homemade bombs. The main thing was getting in, around, and out without drawing suspicion.”
Jay's eyes widened.
“What about nukes?”
“They are definitely storing some there. All are military grade.”
“And you're sure no one suspected you of a thing.”
I thought about my answer for a moment.
“I can't know for sure if I wasn't detected, but I doubt that I was. For one thing, I may have never made it back home.”
Jay sucked in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. I moved a little closer to her side.
“And how was your day?”
She smiled and looked at me, her sapphire blue eyes bright with excitement.
“We are officially unpacked. I did a load of laundry, helped with a few random chores around the house, read another one of the manuals the Association gave me, and helped with dinner.”
The excitement in her eyes dimmed.
“Compared to your day, mine sounds boring.”
She sighed softly. I reached for her hand.
“Better a little boredom than facing certain danger. Besides, it's nice to come home and hear what you've done, even if it was just everyday chores. It makes us seem a little more normal.”
Her face flamed red and she dropped her gaze. I smiled, feeling a little proud of myself. Maybe tonight wouldn't be so bad after all.

💮Author's note💮

Hey! So I realized I have failed to recognize my awesome bffs for their help in this book. 

So, Anna_B_Cole  and MiriamGrace14 (and my other bff who isn't on wattpad), thank y'all so much for helping with ideas, editing, and writer's block!

For real, these guys are amazing authors and y'all should totally check out their books on this app!

Thanks for reading and I love you all!!❤❤❤
God bless!!!😄

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