Chapter Seven

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Out For A Drink?

-Ruki's P.o.v-

I smile to myself as I read Yuna's text,

'You're getting me in trouble!

Stop texting me while I'm working!!

B*stard is glaring at me and my phone.

He's going to steal my phone like he 

does with my lighter and cigarettes...

Anyway, yes. I am heading to Ai's bar

after work.


Yuna was always getting mad at me for texting her while she's working, but she starts it since she texts me while I'm working too so really it makes us sort of even.

"Are you texting that Yuna girl again?"

Reita asked, the guys knew that Yuna was the girl from that day we were caught out but they hadn't known that it was actually Mika, Yuna didn't want anyone finding out it was Mika who was there and that meant not telling the guys.


I responded to Reita's question while texting her that I would actually meet her there for once, since I was free that night.

"Awwh! Our little shortie's got a girlfriend~!"

Uruha called over in a teasing tone, in which he earned a glare from me. He gave a guiltless smile, I was going to have a go at him but Kai broke the tension.

"So when can we meet this Yuna?" 

The other's nodded in agreement with Kai,

"Yeah! I would also like to meet this mysterious girl."

I stayed silent debating whether or not to let the guys come tonight even though they had already met her already. As if on cue my phone started to go off on the table, Reita looked at it and when he saw Yuna's name; the devil's smirk appeared across his face.

"Put her on loud speaker!"

Reita was the first to say that, since I didn't want to get tackled I did what he said.

"Hey Yuna..."

"Hey Takanori...Sorry if I'm bothering yo-"

"No, you're not bothering me..."

I interrupted her knowing exactly how much she hated me doing so,

"Anyway...wait, do you have me on loud speaker?"

She asked, I wondered as to how exactly she figured out so fast that she was on loud speaker.

"How'd you know?"

There was silence between all of us,

"Because...the room you're in echo' I can hear people whispering about me."

I glared over to Aoi who was the one whispering the loudest,

"Well anyway...Do you really want to go to Ai's? I mean there are plenty of other places to go..."

Yuna said not amused by the fact that she was on loud speaker to us and yet at the same time she sounded un-sure.

"Ai's is fine...Plus I want to see Ai again. You and her make a rather entertaining show when you argue with her."

I earned a growl from Yuna,

"Phsst...Ruki, ask if we could come along!"

Uruha whispered to me. I was about to ask but Yuna spoke before I could,

"You know, I can hear you...and if you guys want to come...I'm sure Ai wouldn't mind the extra customers."

I sighed since my hopes were brought up that it was going to be just herself and I catching up with each other rather then having to look after the guys so they wouldn't do anything stupid,

"Alright then. When do you finish work?"

I asked, Yuna made an 'urmm' sound before replying.

"Well I'm done with it at the moment, I just need to change and head to Ai' I'll be there in about forty-five minutes, what about you?"

I replied with a simple 'same' after which we said our bye's and all of us changed and was out of there like no tomorrow.

We arrived at the bar but before heading in I gave the guys a warning,

"Don't say anything embarrassing or break anything..."

They all nodded and so we went down the stairs inside, Ai hadn't been looking at the door but heard it open and spoke out while trying what I assume to fix the cash register,

"Welcome! Please take a seat and I'll be there-"

She looked up and saw us. Instantly her facial expression went from smiling to complete and utter shock, before coming out from behind the bar her eyes landed on me, she walked over with a smiling face but punched me lightly in the arm.

"Why haven't you come to have a drink for months?!"

She exclaimed, I rubbed my arm where she punched me then replied.

"I've been busy, I'm sorry Ai!"

Ai just rolled her eyes and hugged me, a bit surprising mind you since I had only met her once before,

"Well it's good to see you again, Ruki...I'm surprised you actually brought the rest of the GazettE with you this time round."

She chuckled and nodded her greeting to the guys, while walking back behind the counter she asked.

"So what can I get you gentlemen?"

We all sat down at a large table near the bar while Ai served us the drinks, after about twenty minutes I began to worry if Yuna was actually coming or not.

"So when's Yuna gonna get here?"

Kai asked and I just gave a shrug even though on the inside I was worrying like hell,

"Why don't you just call her then?"

Uruha suggested the obvious, I was about to call her when the door to the bar opened to reveal a girl with glasses which I instantly recognized as Yuna. She walked over to us and gave a smile,

"I'm glad you made it Takanori."

I smirked back to her.

"You're smiling? Either I'm dreaming or you're not the real Yuna I know."

Yuna rolled her eyes to that statement and sat down next to me as I moved up to make room for her, all the guys stared at her in awe as she drank her Sake.

"Have I got something on my face or something?"

Her tone of voice was clearly not amused, the guys instantly stopped staring and Kai was the first to speak to her,

"Well it's finally nice to meet the mystery girl that makes Takanori smile whenever she text him."

And there went the first rule breaking, Yuna just raised an eyebrow at that.

"Really? Smiling? Half the time I'm telling him to leave me alone because I'm working and I'll get my phone taken away if it keeps going off..."

The others chuckled to this even Ai joined in the laughter but Yuna kept her straight face and continued to drink.

Next Chapter: Heartbreaking News.

My Secretive Lolita Girl // Ruki Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now