Chapter Fourteen

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Heated Words and Painful Guilt.

-Ruki's P.o.v-

"Look, I'm not f*cking asking bu-but telling you to get the f*ck away from me and out of here! NOW!"
Yuna retorted but I remained where I was, I felt no intimidation from her as much as she tried but I was beginning to get worried that Yuna was going to get violent if this kept going the track it was heading.
"I'm not leaving."
I said calmly, Yuna's glare worsened when finishing the sentence,
"This is the sh*t that drives me up the f*cking wall and that I hate from you, you're an idiotic b*stard! Ever since day one you have been a persistent f*ck! That's one thing to piss me off!"
Although I felt hurt by those words, it wasn't her doing the talking but the alcohol she'd been drinking for some hours, so I knew she didn't mean a word to what she was saying, just because she was drunk.
"Me idiotic? Yuna you're the one being an idiot, drowning yourself in alcohol over Mitsuharu, who died due to ice-"
I never got to finish my sentence because of the stinging sensation in my cheek,
"You know nothing about him! Don't you dare speak about it to me, B*stard!"
Tears were streaming down her cheek, that's when I realized I struck a nerve in Yuna, this was a chance I was willing to take if it took mentioning her ex then so be it, I just wanted to make her realize what she was doing was stupid.
"I know enough! Do you really think it was your fault he died?! It's not, Yuna! He drove over ice carelessly and got into an accident! It was not your fault!"
More nerves were struck, at this point Yuna and I were both in each other's face.
"You don't know anything about me, Takanori!"
Her yelling was completely vexed,
"I would if you told me, Yuna!"
Finally silence was between us as only our glares exchanged, none of us backing down, none of us even moving. When suddenly both of our thoughts were interrupted, her music box timer went off, I guess I got a little to angry with her and kicked the box to shut the lid, I was only trying to shove it away and cause it to slam down but instead it went into the tea table leg with pieces laying around it opened, it wasn't playing any more. Yuna went wide-eyed and rushed over to the box,
"Y-...You monster! You f*cking broke it! It's not playing any more! The only memory of Mistuharu and you go and f*cking destroy it like a monster!"
Although she wasn't facing me, I could hear her crying, her voice going hoarse, my eyes fell to the floor in extreme guilt, I just wanted to run away at this point.
"Yuna, I...I di-"
I started quietly but Yuna interrupted me by yelling again, this time she was facing me,
"Don't! Just f*cking leave! I don't ever want to see your stupid face again! Heartless b*stard! To think I even trusted and actually like someone like you! Leave now, before I do something I regret..."
From yells to sniffles, Yuna's head fell to the floor as I heard the tears hit it, But I did what she wanted and left without another word, I knew what I done damaged her mentality so much that it probably wouldn't repair if I were there. I pulled out my phone and quickly rang Ai,
I said sadly causing Ai to panic and ask about Yuna,
"She's fine...I...She doesn't want to see me again."
Ai got even more worried after I said, while walking through the streets I explained everything what happened.
Ai didn't hate me for what I had done, even though it made Yuna's fragile state worse than it already was,
"Alright...I'll stay with Yuna for the next couple of days until she starts to eat again knowing her...Just...after new years try and talk to her, she would've calmed down by then at least, she needs you and you alone but right now give her some space because that music box that you broke was the thing in her life she would give her won for...Right, I'll head over to Yuna's now. So bye."
I grunted to her and hung the phone up, amazingly enough the conversation lasted until I arrived home and was greeted by Koron.
"Hey Koron."
Petting him, I decided what I was going to do for the next while since I couldn't see Yuna and I wouldn't bother trying until she calmed down, that's when I started to think as to how I would apologize to Yuna after New Years.

-Yuna's P.o.v-

I didn't eat for the first couple of days after the monster destroyed the only thing I had left of Mitsuharu, Ai had gotten me to eat finally. I tried to see if there was anyone that could fix the music box but found no one, they all told me it was too old of a model to repair, if it was to be repaired it would have to play a different more simple tune. I didn't want that though, I could never ever replace such a precious present...

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