Chapter Fifteen

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New Year's Carnival.

-Yuna's P.o.v-

So I kept the music box as it was, even though it was now in pieces. As time went by News Years came up fast, Ai had invited me out for the first time in years to the new carnival to celebrate, it had been too long from the last time I went to a carnival. When arriving, I was being forced to wait for Ai to show up and when she did, I thought of the perfect time to murder Ai; because she had brought along Uruha AND Ruki, with a glare she gave an innocent smile,
"I was us all to have fun!"
Was the only thing she said, I was originally planning to leave at that moment but instead found myself being dragged into the Carnival.
Ai and I were standing beside each other while Ruki and Uruha were having a contest to see who could knock the coconut off the stand first, it was ridiculous if you asked me; in the end Ruki won and got a stuffed polar bear. Ai elbowed him after he was holding it for a while when we were walking, after which he turned to me.
"Do you want it?"
He held the bear out for me to take in which I muttered,
"What? So you can break that too?"
In a very spiteful tone, Ruki didn't exactly hear what I said as he asked 'what'. Quickly taking the bear in a tight hold since I was not in the best of moods to fight with him, plus Ai would've forced me to take it with a guilt trip or something.
We were waiting in line for the Ferris wheel when Ai suddenly spoke out after an eternity of silence,
"I don't feel so good..."
At that point she was also holding her stomach, Uruha looked ahead in the line and began to debate.
"I think we can make it to the medical room and back before our turn..."
Ai gave a slow nod and looked to me,
"Don't rip his head off while I'm gone."
I growled at her and after she left with Uruha it began to click in my brain what just happened.
"I really am going to kill that woman, one of these days."
A snigger made my head snap over to Ruki who was the one to laugh at me.

It was our turn next on the Ferris Wheel and my suspicions had been correct,
The guy said while ushering us onto the Ferris Wheel, Ruki sat across from me as I looked out the window of our cart, my grip around theb bear tightened when Ruki tried to make conversation with me for the first time that night.
"Yuna, I'm so-"
"Don't be...I was the one who was drunk and got angry at you for no reason..."
I had interrupted him, Ruki was actually surprised that I responded to him properly even though I still wasn't looking at him.
"But...Ai explained it to me and about the box...I can't imagine how hurt you were and still are...I am truly sorry."
I heard rustling around for a moment and began to speak again,
"So because of what I did...I got you a sorry gift."
Finally I looked at him only for my eyes to land on a small box that lay in his hands. I was cautious when taking the box but upon opening it, the façade of unforgivable faded instantly when I saw was a necklace, a locket.
"Takanori...You didn't have to....I would have forgiven you eventually..."
He just smiled and said 'open it', taking the almost fragile looking locket into my hands and opened it, my heart felt like it stopped and dropped through a seventeen story building, it played 'Best Friend'.

"I didn't know if you wanted it to play Invisible Wall or not but after a while of thinking about it...I didn't want you to be sad and have bad memories because of him. So I got the guy to make it play a different tune to play, so the day that I gave it to you, you can start having happy memories rather then remembering the past and look forward to the future with all of us that have became your friends by your side...I don't want you to suffer alone any more."
All I could do was stare at Ruki, not an inch of him ever motioned that he was lying, which made me want to hug him even more, it was silent between us as we got to the peak of the Ferris Wheel it jolted to a halt, looking over to Ruki, all he was doing was staring out the window, when following his glance, I saw a beautiful sight...A firework display. Something I had the love for...
"Happy New Year Yuna..."
Ruki said and I just gave a smile for the first time in a long while for me,
"Happy New Year, Takanori...."
We sat there in silence both watching the fireworks in awe as I tightly held the bear and the locket, for the first time in years I finally had a 'good' New Years.

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