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THERE IS A PLACE for every person where they can always be themselves. It's where they go when they are feeling emotions they cannot fully comprehend. It's a destination they would always want to come back to. Rosalie often visited that place while she was sleeping – dreaming.

She would always start that dream walking barefoot on top of a hill. Then, she would climb and climb that hill, feeling the grass tickle her feet. The soft breeze would make her hair float in waves behind her. When she'd reach the top of the hill, she would always look down to see a river flowing gracefully. And, she'd go down to the river. Instead of walking, though, she'd always run to it. Unfortunately, her dream would always end when she would reach the sparkling water. It was as if she was trying to reach the unreachable.

But, this time, that didn't happen.

A blinding light came from the other side of the river. She head her name being called, urging her to cross the river.

"Don't be afraid," the voice called out, as if sensing her fear. "I'll always be there to catch you."

She could only follow that voice.

She dipped her feet in the river, feeling the coolness of the water as she did so. And, once she crossed the river, a pair of hands grabber her and pulled her. Looking up, she saw those familiar silvery eyes she liked to look at. They held many mysteries, yet felt so warm.

It was right then when she realized that the place she liked to visit in her dreams, was not really a place at all. It was a person.

Rosalie woke up with a startle, gasping for air slightly. Her heart was pounding in her chest. It wasn't the first time she had a dream about Draco, but it was the first time she felt it deep in her soul. It seemed surreal yet so real at the same time.

Groggily, she got out of bed to find the whole dormitory empty. In fact, she didn't see any of her friends until she went to the Grand Hall for breakfast. A loud, high pitched squeal followed her entrance into the Hall, making her jump in surprise. In a matter of seconds, Ginny had her arms wrapped around Rosalie.

"Happy birthday, Rosalie!"

Rosalie feared she had a minor hearing loss after Ginny screamed into her ear. That turned out into a series of birthday wishes directed to her from most of her classmates, Hermione, and a distinct one from Ron that sounded more like, "Congratulations, you're getting old."

Rosalie was reeling from excitement and a bit of guilt for having actually forgotten her birthday. Her only explanation for it was too much homework and too much Draco.

"We're going to give you your present later, though," Ginny had said to Rosalie once they sat down to eat breakfast. "I think you're going to like it. The dress just has your name written all over it."

That resulted in Hermione slapping Ginny's arm. "Ginny, you're not supposed to tell what kind of present it is!"

Ginny apologized quickly and laughed before she started talking to Parvati about Quidditch. Hermione took that opportunity to nudge Rosalie's arm.

"He's staring at you, again," she said, looking nonchalantly at the plate of food in front of her. Rosalie stiffened. She immediately guessed that Hermione was talking about Draco.

"Hermione – "

"I don't even want to know, Rosalie," she sighed, rubbing her forehead. "I just need you to promise me that you will be careful, alright?"

Rosalie nodded, drowning out the lump in her throat with juice. Harry, Hermione and Ron had a thing against Draco for as long as Rosalie could remember. Naturally, she didn't want to get between that. But, she also couldn't get over the nagging feeling that Hermione knew more things about Draco than she let on.

When Hermione picked up her things and left for first period, Rosalie managed to sneak a glance at Draco. He was sitting beside his loud friends, a green apple in his hand as he held a firm gaze towards her. She had completely zoned out her surroundings by then – that was the kind of effect he had on her.

With an upwards motion of his head, he was sending her a message. She immediately knew what it was.

Meet me up at the Astronomy Tower later.

By later, she already knew it was at sunset. It was always at sunset.

When Rosalie arrived at the Tower that evening, Draco was already there. Hands clutching the railing, the scene was already very familiar to her. She didn't have to direct his attention to her this time, he already noticed when she got there.

Without turning around, he said, "You came."

"Did you think I wouldn't?"

"For a second I thought Granger and Weasley wouldn't let you come," he joked before adding. "Glad they did, though."

Rosalie laughed, remembering the suspicious look on Ginny's face when she told her she was going for a walk. "It was definitely a tough one."

She took a few steps forward, mimicking Draco and putting her hands on the railings as well. Though, she made sure to leave space between their fingers. He did not seem to like that, because his fingers were on top of hers as quickly as she took in a breath.

Then, he pulled out his hand and conjured a white rose out of thin air. It floated until he grabbed it and gave it to Rosalie. Her face heated up.

"A white rose?"

"It represents purity and innocence," he told her. "Everything that you are and everything that I am not."

"Draco – "

He shut her off by leaning in and capturing her lips in a kiss.

"Happy birthday, Rosalie." 

his weakness  | draco malfoy |Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora