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YEARS HAVE PASSED, six to be exact, and Draco Malfoy was still the annoying git he always was.  Only now, he was an annoying git who was hiding a dark secret. It was etched onto his left arm, reminding him of what bad things were yet to come.

After his father's imprisonment in the prison of Azkaban, he was given a task. In order to gain the Dark Lord's mercy for his parents' lives, he had to become a Death Eater

A Death Eater with a task to kill the most powerful wizard in the wizarding world. Albus Dumbledore. 

At first, it seemed like Draco was thrilled to join the Dark Lord's army. Years of being misunderstood and being treated like he would suddenly burst out dark magic from his wand just because he was a Malfoy had finally caught up to him. He thought that if people expected him to be evil – then that was what he would be.

It did not help that he was a total arsehole most of the time, either.

It was not until his mother cried and pleaded the Dark Lord not to turn him into a Death Eater, that he understood the graveness of the situation. Alas, it was too late. The Dark Mark was already seeping into his skin by the time his mother finished sobbing over the Dark Lord's feet. And for the sake of his parents, he had to oblige his twisted orders. 

In those dark days where Draco's mind seemed to be in total darkness, only seeing her face in the hallways could brighten up his day. She never changed – she still was the same exact girl that crashed into him on that very first day of school at King's Cross station. 

To say that he tried to despise her would not be a lie. To say that he failed miserably at his attempt wouldn't be a lie, either. 

So, he stayed away from her by finding distraction in other girls. It was not too hard for girls to attach themselves to him. He was very handsome; bright blonde hair and gray eyes made him very desirable to teenage girls.

Even when he was kissing those girls in whichever broom closet he could find, he could not get her out of his brain. Similar to his Dark Mark, she lived under his skin as well. It seemed it was his destiny to be infatuated with a girl he could not possibly have. It felt more like a curse than a blessing to him, if he was honest. 

Years ago, to his utter disappointment, she was sorted into Gryffindor. The irony was not lost with him, as he was the prince of Slytherin.The sole fact made him even more moody and angry throughout the years. There were a couple of times where he saw her hanging out with Potter and the rest of his lousy group, but that still did not make him hate her. 

He had no idea what it was that pulled him towards her, and frankly, he was afraid to find out. It did not help that every time he could not sleep, his mind would always travel to her and her beautiful eyes the color of hazel. Or to her hair, which was the lightest shade of brown and always flowing gracefully down her shoulders in locks. 

Was it healthy to be infatuated with someone you had not even spoken a single word in years? 

At first, he stayed away from her because of his father's prejudice towards muggleborns. He always said to Draco that mudbloods, in his opinion, were a disgrace to the world. Draco wanted to believe that. Truly, he did. But seeing her grow up into a really intelligent witch, he could not help but overthink his father's words. 

At the thought of his father, his stomach started churning. The same father that was currently locked up in Azkaban, and because of him, Draco had been ordered to do the most cruel job. That was another reason why he had to steer clear from the girl that contaminated the majority of his thoughts.

To steer clear from Rosalie

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