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Truthfully, he was afraid.

Rosalie Sinclair meant everything that was pure in the world for him. And, at that moment, his heart was laced with nothing but darkness. If his mind was not occupied with her, his thoughts were dark and gruesome.

It was not his fault they were like that. Or, maybe it was. If he was just brave enough to stand up to the Dark Lord, his veins would not have been polluted right now. He would've been pure, just like Rosalie. Or, at least as pure as he could get by being a Malfoy.

Idiot, stupid idiot, he though to himself. If he hadn't told Rosalie to meet him at the Great Lake, he would not have had this problem. He would have spent another night at the Room of Requirement, trying to fix that bloody Vanishing Cabinet.

An image of a disappointed and hurt Rosalie popped into Draco's head, urging him to make a decision quickly. The sun was starting to set, anyway.

He decided that he could not bare to see that look on Rosalie's face if he did not show up. After all, he was the one who told her to meet him there. And considering the events that were happening in the world due to the Dark Lord being back, leaving Rosalie alone at the Lake would have been similar to giving a sheep to a wolf on a silver platter. He would practically die if something would to happen to her because of him.

With that thought, he scurried off to the Great Lake.

Rosalie felt very flustered when she arrived at the Lake and saw no Draco in sight. But, then, a voice came out of nowhere.


She jumped slightly and turned around to see Malfoy perched up on the tree behind her. He smirked down at her.

"Might I ask what are you doing up there, Malfoy?" she asked, stifling a giggle.

"The view is incredible." He simply answered, offering her a hand to climb up. She happily obliged and soon she was met with the view. It really was incredible, as Malfoy said. The same pink sky was around them again, only now, it made the Lake in front of them look like cotton candy.

A pleasant breeze was in the air, enveloping them in the scent of the upcoming autumn. Goosebumps rose on Rosalie's arms, but she was not cold. She was just mesmerized by the atmosphere around them.

"It's nice, isn't it?" Draco asked her, his gaze fixed on the Lake. Rosalie nodded immediately. She felt very at peace as they sat in silence for a bit.

"Why aren't you playing Quidditch this year?" She decided to ask and watched as his expression went from soft to frowning.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair, "I have other things to think about instead of playing a dumb game."

Rosalie wished she didn't ask of it. There was a pained look on his face that she wished he would replace with a smile. Sadly, he didn't.

"I'm sorry about your father's imprisonment," she said to him, guessing that he was worried about him.

"You're sorry that my father, a Death Eater that could possibly kill a lot of people including you, is in prison?" he let out a dry laugh, one that Rosalie most certainly did not like. His face turned dark, he no longer looked like the relaxed Draco she saw moments ago.

She struggled to find the right words, "I'm not saying that. I was just trying to make you feel better."

"And, why on earth would you try that?" He did not spare her one glace as he climbed down the tree. "I don't need your pity, Sinclair."

She cursed under her breath, wondering how a situation could go from very peaceful to very tense. She watched as he stood in front of the water, arms crossed on his chest. Even at his angry state, he still stood tall and lean.

"Draco," It was the first time she had every said his name. It rolled off her tongue with such ease that she was surprised. "I did not mean to upset you."

"You keep assuming things," he said to her, his voice dark and deep. "You keep thinking that I care what people say about me."

"Don't you?" she asked, looking at him. "If you didn't care, why did you get so upset?"

He turned around and looked her straight in the eyes. She swore she could see the pain in his silvery eyes. One he was desperately trying to hide with anger.

"And, if you weren't so stubborn you would see that maybe I care about you and want to help with whatever is bothering you."

As soon as she said that, Draco's face softened. A wave of relief washed over her.

"You care about me?" he asked with disbelief. She failed to find the answer. She would have never thought she'd even say those words to Draco Malfoy. "Why?"

Rosalie shook her head, "I don't know the answer to that, yet."

Something flashed in his eyes, and Rosalie thought they got a little brighter. She realized that she liked the way he was looking at her.

"You shouldn't care about me," he said as he inched closer to her. He was a whole head taller than her; she had to crank up her neck to look at him. She was about to say something but he stopped her with his hand, "I'm not a good person."

"That is for me to decide, isn't it?"

Draco was so close to Rosalie's face now that he could practically count the freckles on her cheeks. One, two, three, four, five.....he counted in himself as he sucked in a deep breath. He let his gaze trail down to her lips and realized soon that it was a big mistake. The bright pink color of her plump lips urged him to move even closer to her until their noses were barely touching.

"Draco." The one of her voice was almost as sweet as the rose perfume she was wearing.

Rose, rose, rose. It was no surprise that he smelled exactly that scent in the Amortentia potion during Slughorn's class.

He let his hands trail up and rest on her cheeks. His thumbs caressed the same freckles he counted before. His eyes locked up from the freckles to the hazel constellation of stars in Rosalie's eyes. And, then, he did something he thought he would never live to do.

He kissed her. 

his weakness  | draco malfoy |जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें